HA! Author Of ‘Art of the Deal’ Suggests Recategorizing The Book As Fiction


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was a time when people suggested that “Art of the Deal” be moved to the fiction section, while “The Handmaids Tale” be classified as current events. Yes, friends, it was the Age of Trump.

The talk shows are having a good laugh at Trump’s expense, while author Tony Schwartz, who wrote every word of “The Art of the Deal” is once again telling everybody how writing Trump’s faux-biography was “putting lipstick on a pig.”

Schwartz thinks that Trump has probably never paid taxes. We may indeed find that that is true, as more of Trump’s taxes are revealed, particularly his New York state taxes.

Interesting how a guy who has spent a lifetime ripping off the government is now running it — or is it’s titular head. He’s not running anything, except into the ground, which is the only thing he knows how to do.

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    • That clip from Anderson Cooper is great. It says it all. If Trump was playing with a full deck, he would never have gotten himself into the mess he’s in — both in his life, and now being POTUS.

      I wonder if he’ll ever self destruct? I guess not. He’s 72 and has made a career out of scamming. Amazing to me that he scammed the American people — but as P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

      • Not to sound all pissy or anything – but if the “free press” had done its job, instead of fucking enabling him by giving him that “reality” show platform*, maybe we wouldn’t have been quite so suckered 😉

        *plus covering him as “entertainment” instead of doing their gorram job during the 2016 election!

        • The press nothing to do with that show, but the mass media did. And even then, I can’t say I blame them. Trump was a carnival character, they thought they could make a buck and they did. Unfortunately, people are gullible and the world is more complex than it has ever been. A lot of people just vote emotionally — they have no idea what the candidate stands for or what the consequences of voting for the wrong one might be. People vote with their gut.

          I had lunch once with a friend, who told me she didn’t like Hillary, but she absolutely didn’t want to vote for Trump. She had met him at a real estate seminar in the 80’s and took an instant dislike to him. She told me, “his handshake was rough and he has cruel eyebrows.” Anyhow, she asked me to tell her the good things Hillary had done, and I mentioned a number of things.

          My friend is a bright woman, who sells real estate — yet politics bother her, confuse her, and she doesn’t follow them. I’m grateful that she at least trusted me, and somebody who does follow politics, to give her the straight scoop and to vote for the Democrat. That’s at least one more vote I got for Hillary, for whatever good it did us.

  1. I’ve always thought that autobiographies of politicians belonged under either “fiction” or “humor” on library shelves. (The one where I lived in Texas sorted its sale books by Dewey Decimal – so it mattered.)

    I suspect that when we get the tax returns, if we do, they’ll show that he’s lost money every year, and that’s why he keeps getting audited.

    • In this case, science fiction. It wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out that Trump and Melania are lizard people, like in “V”. They sure as hell don’t belong in politics.

    • ReaderRay, I’m so GLAD to see you on this site! I know we spoke a while back about you coming over here and here you are. Wonderful. Come more often.

      • Ursula, thanks for the warm welcome. I’ve been here reading daily since you and Jan are here. I just don’t comment often.


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