Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been governor of Arkansas for about six to seven weeks now, and she’s quite proud of herself. Rather than bunker down with experienced aides and try to assess the real problems in the state, whether economic, educational, brain drain or whatever it might be, Sarah has chosen to govern by culture war. Or, to be fair, that’s all she wants to talk about in her Twitter feed.

She already seems to believe that she’s running for president against Joe Biden, and she is every bit as cocky as one would expect from lying Sarah:

Note that Sanders gives the Q-anon crowd a nod there with the reference to “rituals”? They sure love to think that all Democrats are “indoctrinating” or “eating” children (depending on Q-level) but given the fact that Sarah Huck knows the power of the tweet, the “ritual” is absolutely there for a reason and not a good one.

Here is cocky Sarah – again – saying that she’s already done a better job in five weeks (this was from two weeks ago) than Biden has in five decades:

She certainly let the Biden administration know that she’s not having any of his “Big Government” in her state. Ironically, this tweet came out right about the same time as the train derailment in Ohio, when the GOP roared about FEMA not going in without acknowledging that the EPA was already there, checking the toxicity of the ground and water. Sarah stepped in it here:

And today, Sarah returns to her favorite theme, the culture wars and how dare we teach American history from the side of Black Americans who may not see American “exceptionalism” in the same light as white Americans.

She really doesn’t seem interested in running Arkansas, does she? Based on her “public statements” via Twitter, she almost acts like she’d prefer to be considered someone’s VP. Already taking on Biden? Jumping on the DeSantis CRT train? Has she held a meeting on what they’re doing to attract business (besides Walmart) to Arkansas? Actually, there are a shocking number of big companies headquartered in Arkansas, and corporate America is much more into “DEI” than culture warriors like Sarah Huck. Maybe she should be meeting on how to keep those companies there?


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  1. Sanders might want to consider that Americans are NOT exclusively the “children of God.” (That’s what her tweet implies since she put the “children of God” between “America is the greatest country” and “citizens of the United States.” There are plenty of other countries that have people who believe they too are “children of God.” There’s even one country out there whose people claim to be “God’s chosen people” and a whole slew of countries that directly impose their view of “God’s law” upon their citizens. On that last part, isn’t it interesting that “Shariah law” seems to have been replaced by “CRT” and “drag queens” as the far-right’s biggest bogeyman?)

  2. Basically the even jellies want their version of Sharia – completely based on the old testament with permission for incest, rape, offering minors for sex, polygamy, sex slavery, genocide, and not overlooking kids being eaten by a bear for laughing at an old bald coot who claimed to b a ‘prophet’

    Now as for food – forget your pork, bacon, ham, lobster, shrimp, crab etc – it’s all banned in the bye bull

    But then, they do sort of overlook the bits that don’t suit (basically the entire new testament especially the teachings of Jesus).

    • The only problem with their book is that is was written well after “jesus” was murdered. I keep wondering how they knew what he said.. beyond me. I don’t take anything that they say as gospel.

  3. I think Miss sarah thinks we’re her subjects here in Ar. We can’t even stand to look at her mug on TV. She has higher callings than Ar. though, that’s obvious. What’s so troublesome about her is the fact that she doesn’t even try to get along with any dems, she just wants to war & put them down. She doesn’t get it that a governor is supposed to represent both sides. One of the most divisive, hateful people I’ve ever encountered. I have no use for anyone that doesn’t get that God would wants us to love other’s, not persecute them.


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