I know that you think I’m inviting you to have a slice of parody with your morning coffee, but I quite assure you, I am not. I am giving it to you straight. This is the newest ad from Team Trump. It features a Paul Harvey sound-alike. Harvey was a newsman and commentator back in the day and he spawned the framework for what you’re about to see with an ad called “God Made A Farmer.”

Then Casey DeSantis released a version of this ad, featuring hubby Ron, “God Made A Fighter.” That video featured Ron aka Top Guv. Oh yes. We have all borne witness to the miracles that DeSantis hath wrought, surely they are divinely inspired. His Florida constituents are paying through the nose for insurance as many others flee the state. But first watch Trump’s take off of Casey’s take off of Paul Harvey’s doubtlessly well intentioned tribute to the backbone of our nation, the American farmer. ****TRIGGER WARNING**** Caution: if you’ve just hard surgery, you will break your stitches.

And here is Mighty Casey’s version.

Did you love my favorite line in the Trump version, “strong enough to battle the Deep State, gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild?” OMG, is that an image. I will have nightmares tonight, friends.

Trump showed up at the Oval Office at 11:30 a.m. and proceeded to watch TV, which was then dubbed Executive Time, because they had to account for him doing something. Then he would eat lunch and have more Executive Time.

On January 6, 2021 he had a three-hour long block of Executive Time, during which he watched the Capitol Riot unfold and escalate. God did not make Trump for this purpose although arguably Satan might have done so.

Nothing like starting the day with a bit of idolatry, eh what? But it’s not like MAGA is a cult or anything. Who told you that?

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  1. “strong enough to battle the Deep State, gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild?”

    “Gentle” nothing. It’s the way that Trump gets to handle a woman’s genitals without being considered the pervert he is. (Well, unless the grandchild’s coming from Ivanka–then it’s perverted, no way around it. But if the kids are coming out of his son’s wives, then it’s just creepy–but not necessarily perverted. Well, to MAGAts, it’s not perverted; to the rest of us, Trump’s being anywhere near a woman’s genitals outside of a consensual sexual relationship–even it he has to pay for it–is just plain perverted.)

    • The idea of Trump, who is a complete physical coward, who can’t stand the sight of blood (this has been documented) delivering a woman’s child is beyond ludicrous. And I hope none of the MAGA women ever need to call on him for that service. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when he leaves them to deliver the kid themselves or die, which is what I suspect would happen.

  2. It’s past noon where I live and I was thinking about lunch but decided to come here to PZ first. I saw your warning but watched the ad anyway. I lost my appetite. As for the Paul Harvey style aspect of it someone needs to go whole hog, by which I mean after all that bullshit say “Page Two” – then with a short collection of images of say Trump’s fat ass on the golf course (especially with the one where he looks about to stroke out) or his face contorted in anger & then the J6 riot “Mr. Harvey’s voice says “If you actually believed all that bullshit you’re no Christian. Worse, it means you’ve fallen victim to believing in the false return of Jesus predicted in your bible and are under the spell of Satan. You have a lot to change if you want to meet God in heaven when you die!”

  3. I’m so glad I saw this ad…it convinced me that I’ve been in a bubble and I will now support Trump the Lord!! 🤢🤮 Delivered his grandchild?! What?! Which grandchild?! Am I the only who thought that was a horrifically pervy reference to to how close he wanted to be to his own daughter’s vagina?! Sorry, but he just makes me think perv no matter what!!

    • I thought that was beyond the pale. I also think the photo of Melania tripping in the grass in her five inch stilettos was a bit weird. Why can’t she wear a normal shoe, like other people, going across the grass?

  4. He wasn’t delivering a grandchild. He just saw an opportunity to put his hand in a ‘pussy’.

    What a piece of self parody that ‘advertisement’ is. Run it unaltered on SNL and hear the laughs.

    • I had to run it twice to make sure it wasn’t satire. Nowadays you can’t tell what’s satire and what’s on the level. That’s from living in a post-reality world.

  5. I stopped the Trump at 8 seconds when God dropped him off, obviously at the wrong bus stop. But for some sick reason, I went to 20 seconds. I finally stopped when the announcer said “he worked all day”. Enough. I do want to finish my dinner without throwing up.

  6. John 8:42-47…description of ALL religious hypocrites following ‘the devil’…reportedly by Jesus who describes the devil as: A LIAR AND MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNING, AND WHEN HE LIES, HE SPEAKS HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE FOR THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM!’ Hey assholes…your boy has provably lied just about EVERYTIME HE SPEAKS FOR THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. He’s also responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths! So YOU’VE BEEN TOLD…NO EXCUSES AT THE LAST JUDGEMENT!!!!


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