Give Mitch McConnell What He Wants.


I know, I can’t believe that I’m saying it either, but in this particular case, I strongly advise Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to give McConnell what he wants. Because, pure and simple, there is absolutely no down side for the Democrats doing so.

Right now, Mitch McConnell is in an unexpected and humiliating position. McConnel fully expected to be the one to set the schedule and rules for Trump’s upcoming impeachment trial in the Senate. And instead, he is in the subservient position of having to ask Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for a favor.

There are two distinct reasons why I feel that Schumer should accede to McConnell’s request. First if all, McConnell offered a specific quid pro quo for his request. McConnell espoused that the two week delay would allow the Senate to do the more urgent job of passing Biden’s cabinet nominees through the process, and approving them.

And that is a top priority. I wrote previously about how Trump had maliciously sabotaged the transition to make things as difficult as possible for Biden appointees to hit the ground running. The sooner those nominees can get approved and confirmed, the sooner they can start undoing the damage. And don’t fool yourself, McConnell may be weaker than he has been in a long time, but he still controls his caucus. And that request carries a nudge, nudge, wink, wink promise to allow confirmation in return for the favor. Use these two weeks to slam home every nominee you can manage to get to the floor for a full vote.

But there’s another very serious reason why I feel that Schumer should accede to McConnell’s request. Look, there is nobody in the world more than me who wants to see Donald Trump strung up by the heels, and hoisted on a lamp post so that the outraged citizenry he tortured for four long years can pelt him with rotten cabbages and tomatoes.

But sweet Jesus people. The last time I checked, this is still the United States of America. And if we’re going to hold a fellow citizen, even as despicable of one as Donald John Trump, then let’s at least do it constitutionally. And the constitution says that every criminal defendant is entitled to competent legal counsel.

But right now, Donald Trump can’t find a legal competent defense! All of the soulless sycophants that lined up around the block to defend him in his first trial, when the end result was already pre-determined, have all crawled back under their rocks. There was reporting today that Trump self appointed ass wipe, Lindsey Graham, was promoting some South Carolina, back woods nebbish to take Trump’s case.

Give Trump the time. Hold McConnell to his word, and get the cabinet appointees approved, and into their jobs, so they can start giving us a functional government again. Let Trump use the time to find somebody, anybody with a qualified legal degree to represent him. And then, and only then, can we string him up by the heels from a lamp post and pelt him with rotten cabbages, tomatoes, and eggs. At least we’ll have remained true to our principles. Something Trump never did.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

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  1. No. If trump is unable to find legal counsel, then he is always welcomed to accept a public defender be provided to him.

    Do this and do it now! Every day that passes is another day that allowes Fox and right wing media to push the propaganda that ‘it was no big deal. Just let it go.

  2. “And the constitution says that every criminal defendant is entitled to competent legal counsel.

    But right now, Donald Trump can’t find a legal competent defense!”

    To the first part, I’ll direct your attention to the classic “If you need an attorney but cannot afford one, one will be provided for you” line from the Miranda rights. How many “regular” folks who have an attorney “provided” to them have been at the mercy of an overworked legal aide system and they wind up being one of a half-dozen (or more) cases these “provided” attorneys have to deal with? I seem to recall there was a case of a guy in Texas whose “provided” attorney actually fell asleep in court and, after his conviction, he tried to sue the state for giving him incompetent counsel, only for the courts to rule against him. The law (NOT the Constitution, it should be noted) only says a defendant is entitled to an attorney–there is NOTHING about “competence” involved.

    As to the second part, that is NOT anybody else’s problem. And, technically, it’s not even Trump’s problem–it’s his attorney’s problem.

    Now, if you meant “Trump can’t find a legal competent counsel,” that’s a whole other matter. There, he certainly can find someone but the odds that they’ll take on a case where they probably won’t get paid for their troubles will make Trump’s chances of getting someone other than a 1st-year law student (by which, I mean, in his first year of college with an intended major in law) really really slim. The law student would probably love to take the case–even without pay–simply for the publicity (“I was Trump’s defense lawyer for my first ever case; sure I lost and he’s barred from ever running for office again/rotting in jail, but EVERYBODY knows my name! Now, I’m going to Disney World!”). Of course, he’d be so far in over his head that the best thing he could do is tell Trump, “Just plead guilty and any punishment will be a slap on the wrist; fight it and you won’t even be able to get on public-access cable at 2 in the morning, much less do anything else.”

  3. The more time you give him, the better it will look when you finally tie his fat arse to the harpoon that will be fired off in the direction of the Bahamas. Followed by another 21 gun “salute” with live ammo.

  4. We’ve been promised that we should all receive competent counsel, there are thousands of people in prison right now because they didn’t get that. Trump is nobody special and shouldn’t get any more than a regular prisoner. Too bad Giuliani can’t represent him, that’s all he deserves.

  5. Mitch McConnell can not be trust in any manner. Because of this we should not factor anything he says he will offer into a discussion of how and when we should schedule any item. As to Trump deserving representation, he has had time to deal with this issues but has chosen to ignore it.

  6. I’m fed up with giving Moscow Mitch what he wants. Can’t the Senate do two things at the same time? Approving Cabinet positions and going through with impeachment. MM is holding the Cabinet positions hostage to his demands – again. He needs to be un-empowered. FWIW Lindsey Graham recommended a lawyer from his home state. Has the guy accepted? What is done then if not one damned lawyer in the U.S. takes on the defense for 45? Russians step in?

    • I’m pretty sure the law says once imprachment starts it is the only order of business until it is finished. But I am glad to give our impeachment managers extra time to marshall the facts. More seem to come out every day. Trump paid all the organizers of that “rally/insurrection” with his campaign funds! Did we know that a week ago?

  7. Also it will give the FBI & other law enforcement agencies time to investigate & file charges against the Republican congress folks that helped the rioters.

  8. Good luck to Trump finding a lawyer. The competent ones will want nothing to do with him (especially considering he’ll end up stiffing them). He’ll get someone like Judge Janeen Pirro. Rudy hasn’t been paid yet and will have his own legal woes soon, Lin Wood will probably be disbarred and in a mental institution, Cracken Lady is too crazy even for Trump. Donnie hopefully has the Yellow Pages handy.
    Better call Saul.


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