This is one for the books, the clip you’re about to see. Mike Pence is polling dead last in some polls and trailing everybody with the exception of Doug Burgum in some others. From that we can reasonably infer that he’s not doing so well. But along comes Mike this Sunday and manages to piss off everybody. I mean Democrats, Republicans and MAGAs alike. That’s something that you don’t see everyday. It’s a bit like that scene in Con Air where a blue convertible is flying in the air behind the plane, towed by chains. It simply is something that you won’t see again in your life and so is this.

He’s on board for the $6 billion lie, so that just confirms whatever Democrats have always known, that his lies and hypocrisy know no bounds. But then he lets Trump, Ramaswamy and DeSantis have it as well. All Pence has done here is aim a machine gun and shoot it all directions and whatever allies he might have had, he just eliminated in one fell swoop, along with his adversaries. The man literally has no constituency.

The playbook that any normal politician would be following at this point is to attack the current office holder — which he did but with the most easily debunked lies. So that’s no attack at all, it’s just the usual GOP effort in gaslighting. But to go after his primary opponents, one of whom is his former boss, is simply to give them attack fodder and he’s in the weaker position, under-polling them all. And attack Pence back people did. Pence didn’t hit the right note with anybody today and they took him to task.

Here’s Pence’s other comment that fell completely flat and again, it’s just plain wrong.

Wow, if only we’d known, we could have burned Ken Kesey books back in the day. You believe this idiocy? A freaking book and a movie caused a seismic shift in how the mentally ill were treated and not Ronald Reagan taking away all the money? So what’s the reasoning here, Hollywood makes a “dark movie” and money dries up? Is anybody able to translate what he’s saying?

If that’s the case, though, let’s make a movie about an idiotic right-wing faux Xian governor who gets picked up by a reality TV actor to join the most ridiculous ticket in the history of the republic. And let’s see if that gets rid of both Mike Pence and Donald Trump. God knows there’s a plethora of books out there, but there isn’t a movie yet, about all this madness. Maybe that’s the key.

I’ll tell you something else that Reagan did. Back when they were “cutting excesses” from disability, he cut off a lot of people who were genuinely disabled. I know this first hand. I dated a guy many years ago with a severe visual impairment and he told me that Reagan cut off his checks and then he got reviewed under the Clinton administration and he got his checks restored and the back money that Reagan took away.

Moral of that story? Everybody suffers. The poor man I’m describing got work sweeping out a church in exchange for a place to sleep and some food. There are many stories like this. This isn’t a unique situation, people becoming disabled, homeless, destitute. It is all too common. And the Republicans resent the social safety net. They see it as excess and a free ride and it is not. It’s a means whereby once productive members of society can get aid when they become disabled.

A lot of truth in that last statement, paradoxically as it may seem. Eisenhower would be considered a moderate Democrat.


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  1. I’m all in Ursula,

    Where do I sign up to play the guy who just leaned over the pool table, shot the last ball in for a clean sweep, stands straight up and says, “Everybody with a REAL brain, already KNOWS the TRUTH about the GOP and Traitor Trump, now his future looks more and more bleak and miserable, EVERYTHING he touches turns into a basket of dead fish, you can’t wash that stuff off …”

    The Truth Will WIN, but, the serious problem we have now, is certainly the lack of a real gavel swinger in the House, the total stop to anything good OR bad in the house may drive the mindless GOP to insert GYM Jordon into yet another position he is NOT QUALIFIED to hold … He is now about 500 days, ignoring his request for court investigations into his and other’s actions around the insurrection Jan. 6 …

    Now, I’m wondering if there is a time limit to deliver him to Ohio to face the families of those wrestler’s that asked him to do something about the good doctor’s abuse … he continues to waste the time of the house with bogus meetings, acting like the dummy he really is, calling fake witnesses and pursuing stupid attacks on Biden and his son …

    Yep, the GOP is going down a steep hill towards the finish line in HELL, right along side of Trumpty-Dumpty …

    • Truth would win out if Truth was reported. Truth has many enemies, including legacy media who want to keep access to powerful people. It’s tragic but true.

  2. Looks like Ol Rennet Head has really put his foot init! He’s so far in that cess pool it’s lapping around his Adam’s Apple. Safely on shore is everyone else, including your “… idiotic right-wing faux Xian governor … [and the] reality TV actor …”. Ol Rennet Head calls to these two to “Come on in, it’s not that deep”. To which both together reply @Your a dick, Rennet Head”. And that’s saying something, given their history.

    • Imagine a world where a TV game show host asks a washed up politician to join his ticket because he’s a right-wing evangelical wingnut and the game show host needs the religious vote. And then imagine that the game show host sends a mob down to the Capitol to hang the wingnut, four years later. Is this a script you would try to sell to Hollywood? Be honest, now.

  3. As a young man in Abilene, Texas, Eisenhower actually was a Democrat. As his military career developed, he was not conspicuously political. He only emerged as a definite Republican when the Republicans convinced him to run on their ticket in 1952. The previous year, Democrats had competed with the Republicans to draft Eisenhower, who at that point was without party affiliation, as their presidential candidate. The Republicans won out and the Democrats nominated Adlai Stevenson, who lost to Ike.

    • Wow ow. Thank you, my friend. I didn’t know that about Ike. There must be something about the military and politics. I had a dear friend who was a general in the Marines and he was an Eisenhower Republican, not surprisingly. He was a pilot in WWII. But when Lyndon Johnson ran, he supported Johnson. He also got a lot of hell for doing that, but I guess that the Texas angle was more important to him than the Republican. My friend the general had met Lyndon in Texas way before Lyndon ever was a vice president. His wife wore her hair the same way Lady Bird did and the four of them hung out. Interesting days. Times sure have changed.

    • Back when Eisenhower was thinking about party affiliation, the dems consisted of the dixiecrats and the rest of the democrats. I can understand not being too thrilled about siding with a party containing those evil fools.

  4. So…let me get this straight. Pence wants to lock up all the crazy people in our nation. But wouldn’t the first ones to get locked up be the precious and coveted MAGA IDGITS who follow a fat old man with orange skin and airplane hair and who hates pretty much everybody including the MAGAts who adore him. Check. Then who would vote for any of these candidates if all the slobbering tRombies were in mental institutions? Asking for a friend. 🤔


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