I don’t think you need to study psychiatry in Vienna to call this next shot: Is Lin Wood nearing a psychotic breakdown? Bear in mind a few salient facts: He incited the Capitol riot and has proselytized the gospel of the Big Lie. The State Bar of Georgia requested he undergo psychiatric testing and he refused. Then, just yesterday, he was seen openly confronting his opponent for the chair of the South Carolina Republican Party, Drew McKissick, with the comment, “I know about you and Lindsey,” and the caveat “drop out of the race.” The man is clearly not well. Next, there are these comments to the aforementioned local Republican party last night.

Where Wood’s brand of religious lunatic differs from the garden variety loon on the street, is that if you attempt to tell one of them that they’re wrong or they’ve got it wrong, they will respond that you are Satan and they will pray for you. Any resistance to the madness they spread is met with the knee jerk reaction that they are martyrs, usually for Christ, although I’m sure He pities them along with the rest of us.

Can you get a strait jacket custom fitted, anybody know? Or are they one size fits all. Get that and the butterfly net. Wood is ready.

Although maybe Wood is blessed. He and a few other members of Strikeforce Rudy, namely Giuliani himself and Sidney Powell, are having some rough going right now. If needed, Wood can mount a very plausible insanity defense, and right now Giuliani is probably wondering if he can cobble one together, himself.


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  1. Q-Nuts Q-NUTS
    Batshit crazy Q-NUTS
    Q-Nuts Q-NUTS
    So Delusional!
    Q-Nuts Q-NUTS
    Batshit crazy Q-NUTS
    Q-Nuts Q-NUTS
    Lock them ALL up NOW!

  2. His comments about the law and religion should get him disbarred, because he clearly lost track of which one rules in this country.

  3. Without more than 12 seconds, it is hard to tell if the missing transition between his two assertions about Roe v Wade is “because” or “and.” As far as God’s Word is concerned, there are only two places, both in the Old Testament that touch on the topic of taking the life of a fetus. In both cases, the issue was the destruction of the father’s property, not the taking of a human life. Nevertheless, whether something “violates God’s word” is irrelevant to whether that something is constitutional or not. Wood has two separate assertions to defend, not one, and he is swimming upstream on both of them.

  4. Lin Wood is a great patriot and a man of God. He is one of the few who have been fighting for election integrity since November 4th. We need more “crazy” people like Lin Wood who are willing to fight for the truth despite what the personal cost. (Like being threatened and called crazy) And yes, he has a great sense of humor as well! Lin will never quit fighting for the people of South Carolina.


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