Some days it just don’t pay to tweet stupidity…







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  1. What do you expect from this asshat? Yes, he has Puerto Rican ancestry but he was raised Jewish. He didn’t become “Hispanic”, or “Latino” or whatever identifier he chose until he got into TV. I remember way the fuck back when he started appearing on some national weekly news magazine type shows complete with a fucking accent! It served his purposes to play the “Puerto Rican guy” so by golly that’s what he did. Eventually he’d drop that part of his schtick but what it tells me is he’s someone who will do or say whatever to grab himself some time in the limelight. I trust that motherfucker and what he has to say about as far as I can throw my apartment building. He’s a sleaze and has been ever since he got himself a job on TV.

  2. It is times like these when I am reminded of the asininity of basing a show on Al Capone’s vault. I sense a pattern of stupidity here….

  3. Maybe you should’ve gone into the vault & lock the door behind you. At least your banality & stupidity would be hidden.

  4. Traitor Tot is a two year old crapping his diapers and throwing temper tantrums (and his own poo). Geraldo is right there with his head inside Traitor Tots diaper, sucking up poo and spewing it back out.

  5. Geraldo lost whatever credibility he ever had long before he hit FAUX SPEWS, and hos downward spiral continues. Doesn’t he understand that those malignant fringe advisers are where His Malignant Majesty wanted them?? After all, everyone else in the world seems to understand that filth attracts filth!


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