Dear Lord, the things I do for my muse, and my readers. I’ve read this damn article three times now, and not only are my eyeballs burning, they’re whirling around my head like pinballs. This is what happens when you let a 3rd rate grifter like George Santos get a bug up his ass, run with it, and start making shit up as he goes along.

This situation is like taking a plate of spaghetti ala Carbonara, dropping it out of an 18th story window, and then trying to put it back together again. Which is why it’s tailor made for t e accounting sharks at the DOJ. But why should they have all the fun? Not only is Mother Jones looking into it, so is Newsday, The New York Times, and the FEC.

Here we go. According to reporting in Mother Jones, in his 2nd run for congress in 2022, George Santos helped to raise money for and direct a PAC named Rise NY. The stated purpose of the PAC was to concentrate on voter registration, voter education, and voter turnout in what is a majority Democratic area. The PAC collected more than $430,000 for its operations. But Sticky Fingers Santos diverted more than $55,000 to a purpose that had nothing to do with registering, educating, and turning out GOP voters. Instead he diverted some $55,000 to a small DC based nonprofit that was devoted to highlighting gay rights abuses in the Middle East.

And because this is a typical Santos scam, it goes off the rails before it even leaves the station. According to PAC paperwork filed with the FEC, the President of the PAC is Santos’ sister, Tiffany, who is on the payroll. Just a coincidence? Nah. The PAC Treasurer is listed as Nancy Marks, who also just happened to be the Santos campaign Treasurer. What could go wrong?

How about this? The PAC engaged in behavior that The New York Times reported to be unusual, if not a direct violation of law. Among the oddities were;

  • Rise NY made two payments totaling $5,200 to the landlord of Santos’ personal residence
  • The FEC filings show that Rise NY also sent $35,000 to Marks and two of her companies, listing them on the FEC filings as reimbursement, and professional services. Ummm. Reimbursement for what?! What did Marks give you in the first place? And what kind of professional services?! What services were provided? These debits are more than $200, they have to have detailed receipts for them
  • When the PAC donated $62,500 each to the Nassau County Republican Committee, and the Town of Hampstead Republican Committee, who personally handed over the checks? None other than George Santos

One of the largest beneficiaries of Santos’ and Rise NY’s largesse was the group Log Cabin Republicans, a small DC based non profit, advocating for international gay rights, especially in the Middle East. You’ll notice that a Middle East gay rights non profit has nothing to do with voter registration, education, and turnout, which is what Rise NY stated that they were raising the funds for in the first place.

And because we’re talking about Santos here, of course this is where the Russian oligarch family connection comes in. One of Santos’ prime sucks was a Russian born American power player by the name of Andrew Intrader. Intrader is the cousin of US sanctioned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. If the name rings a bell, it should. Intrader was the rube that Santos sucked a couple of hundred thousand dollars out of in the Ponzi scheme he was an executive.

And since some people never learn, Santos nicked Intrader for some $175,000 in donations to Rise NY. And it turns out that Intrader isn’t very happy about it. In a statement to the media, Intrader said that while he personally supports full gay rights, that wasn’t what he forked over almost 200 large for. He thought that the money was going for voter registration, education, voter turnout, blah, blah, blah. Here Andrew, here’s $50, go out and buy a clue.

Man! I hope you were able to follow that, I did the best I could. But while I sincerely believe that Traitor Tot will be indicted in Fulton County before my (20th) wedding anniversary on April Fools Day, I am equally convinced that George Santos will be modeling steel bracelets without the Tiffany’s logo on them by Labor Day. He’s too arrogant by half, he’s too sloppy, and he’s too fucking stupid! Mark my words.

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  1. Doesn’t the stupid fu@k realize that those who screw with Russian oligarchs contract “window cancer”? Not that I would wish that on him….



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