This is another one of those moments where the Great Screenwriter In The Sky has created a character that any scenarist short of Kurt Vonnegut would be hard pressed to duplicate. I love this guy. He’s here to provide much needed comic relief to one of the gravest episodes in American history. His name is Colton Moore and he’s a freshman state senator in Georgia. May God help that state, with this guy and Marge Greene representing their interests, albeit it in different capacities.

You’ll have to click into this story to see this video. Long story short, Ron Filipkowski is now running Meidas Touch and he wants to make a few pennies, so you need to click in, watch an ad for 14 seconds, and then you’ll get the video. Everybody in this business is trying to make a buck and we understand that. So are we. We’re trying to survive, too.

The guy is trying to make a name for himself in MAGA world. Good luck riding that train. You see where it’s taken a lot of people, to grand jury indictments and soon on to prison itself.

Donald Trump won’t be executed in this country, although, in other countries, staging a coup d’etat is grounds for execution, certainly. Frankly, I doubt he’ll see the inside of a prison cell but if he’s convicted and precluded from any further political involvement, that will certainly be an enormous step in the right direction.

Anybody remember this? Let’s show this to Trumpty at the right time, see what he says.

Here’s a good one.

We know Melania wasn’t involved in the insurrection. She was too busy being photographed with a rug. She couldn’t even be bothered to say “stop the violence,” when Stephanie Grisham asked her if she wanted to tweet something. “No,” was her reply. She was doing a photo shoot, who cares if a riot was going on outside. We all have priorities, Melania has never been vague about hers.

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  1. I want to see Trump die in prison. His last breath being that of prison air. Lying in his orange jumpsuit on a standard prison mattress, all alone in his cell. AFTER at least a couple of years behind bars so the humiliation of being just another convict has truly sunk in and he simply loses the will to live & dies. Lethal injection? Even if it were an IV bag full of BLEACH that got pumped into a needle jammed into his heart after having had strong fiberglass tubes holding ultraviolet light bulbs jammed down his throat and up his azz after a last meal of a gallon tub of ivermectin horse paste wouldn’t be as satisfying as him wasting away in prison for two or three years and dying literally of humiliation.

    • After a couple of years it’s most unlikely to be an orange jumpsuit. They are mostly used for pre-trial detention, not for convicts (I grant that after a couple of years convicted of something Trump** may not have been through all his trials yet. But i still considre it unlikely.

  2. I just watched a true story about Shawna Ford, a white beatch sitting on death row in Arizona. A racist who fits in with the Maga crowd, formed a private militia to police the border, really to steal and murder from immigrants supposedly involved in the drug trade. She and two companions did a home invasion, killing the father/husband and a nine year old girl. They shot the mother but she survived to fight back and later testify. They planned on no witnesses. They not only shot the little girl multiple times but put the muzzle on her face. Another child escaped by not being home. This racist killer smiled through her trial. To this day this lady whines about her prison conditions. This happened in 2009. No remorse. Her grown pregnant daughter whines about the trial being b.s. There was plenty of forensic evidence, including the survivor. Her own half brother testified against her. After raging around about these nazis, I reminded myself about WHO WE ARE DEALING WITH. All you nice people living in the comfort BOUGHT BY BLOOD OF OUR VETERANS…better wake up. This is a war with nazis. Remember the last one? Nope. None of us were there. We’ve come back around…welcome to hell where children are shot in the face and the demons howl with laughter. Harsh? You phucking bet. I’d have no problem if we skinned that killer alive on espn, a commanche treatment. It may save a child. But of course, we’re ‘civilized’. Sure we are. Another phucking myth.

  3. Your “… Donald Trump won’t be executed in this country, although, in other countries, staging a coup d’etat is grounds for execution, certainly. Frankly, I doubt he’ll see the inside of a prison cell but if he’s convicted and precluded from any further political involvement, that will certainly be an enormous step in the right direction…” has way more credence than the verbal histrionics oozing out of the mouth of that GA State Senator.

  4. After living in GA for 12 years,,I can factually state that Gaga’s some of the most colorful***local.pols in the nation. Google Bobby Franklin who believed driver’s licenses were unconstitutional as,was,a,federal.income tax. Or my former the state legislature who though even if women were carrying a dead fetus, they didn’t need a medically necessary D&C because his cows didn’t mind a,stillbirth (Sadly,his wife did not shoot him.or divorce him after that comment. I certainly would have,and I would have demanded custody of the cattle as part of the settlement9) This guy is just stupid, which also isn’t unusual in GA,politics.

    ***By colorful, I mean “barking mad.” GA,too small for a couple try, too big for an asylum.


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