This week we remember dear furriends we have loved and lost. The six precious fur angels featured here represent all those who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

To those who have gone before us, we know you are free and happy, that you haven’t left us but are with us in spirit. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of you from the corner of an eye; we feel you jump up on the bed, we hear your soothing purr, and we see you in our dreams. One day we will be together again but until then, know you are loved always.

When you’re ready, press play and scroll down to the illustrated lyrics.

Furkids love the frothy milkshakes at They want you to know they love licking up their frothy moustaches. You can treat them to their favourite frothies for $3/€3/£3. All proceeds go towards Loula’s healthcare. Our heartfelt thanks to all contributors. 💝 💖 💝



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  1. Oh my, oh my, oh my! I’m not actually a believer, but I have lots of pals who are and it’s a comforting thought. It’s a favorite ABBA song and the scroll is beautifully put together! 🤗🥰 And, regardless of my disbelief, the CODA got to me…hard!! 💘😥

    • I look at it this way: if you believe in an afterlife and you’re right, then when you pass you’ll go on to a lovely place where you’ll see family, friends and furkids. If you’re wrong and cease to exist, you won’t feel bad about being wrong!

      If you don’t believe in an afterlife and you’re right, you cease to exist so you don’t get to celebrate being right. But if you’re wrong, what a lovely surprise the afterlife is going to be!

      So it’s all good whichever way you look at it!

  2. {{{Michelle}}} Thank you. Charlie’s so much still here except he’s not. Bless you. Healing Energy to you & everybody. Moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • It took a long time to put this one together… lots of tears and loads of love.

      🤗💕💖💕🤗Barbara and the clowder🤗💕💖💕🤗

      • I know it did. Always the love. Which means always the tears. Even when you know they’re still there. We just mostly can’t see or hear – or touch – them any longer. We miss that part. Love to you & Ms. Loula

  3. It took a long time to put this one together… lots of tears and loads of love.

    🤗💕💖💕🤗Barbara and the clowder🤗💕💖💕🤗

  4. Years ago, not long after my beloved corgi mix passed away, I woke up one morning to see her at my bedside. My spouse said I was just dreaming, but I still wonder.

    • There’s a lovely man called the Spirit Whisperer who has a program on YouTube. His name is Mark Atha and he’s worked with animals in zoos and sanctuaries all his life. He takes questions from people in the chat. You can ask him if it really was your little corgi mix. Tell him Michelle Elle and the Furkids sent you!

    • At times before getting out of bed I’ve sometimes looked and wondered where Corky or Sparky had suddenly gone. Even Ruff (who passed over back when I was in college some four and a half decades ago) I could swear they were right there. Logically I know it was a particularly vivid dream I’d just woken up from but it felt so real!

  5. Beautiful Michelle,,,really strokes the heart so nice…you are such a special human, so blessed to see this wonderful piece….Cheers Lois


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