This week is a memorial for all the furkids we’ve loved and lost. While the six angels pictured here departed recently, this is a heartfelt tribute to all those who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

When you’re ready, press play and scroll down to the illustrated lyrics.

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} Beautiful. Of course. And of course they’re never totally gone. As long as we remember, they come back to check on us. Love is Love is Love.

    Skritches to Ms. Loula. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}} to you.

    • No, never totally gone, never forgotten and always loved.

      Moar hugs ?????Barb?????
      and scritches to
      ??Charlie ? Cloud ? Freddie ? Bobbie ? Murf ? Rennie ??

  2. What a beautiful tribute to our departed angels, Michelle! Thank you so much. I love your and the Furkids’ interpretation of this song (especially each dreaming critter). Abba never really registered with me back when they were recording, but I developed quite a liking for their music after seeing the movie “Muriel’s Wedding.” The way you interpreted this song is just beautiful.

    • This one was a labour of love, inspired by the profound sadness of loss and the knowledge that love is forever and transcends the earthly plane. Finding uplifting music that both expressed those emotions and believed in angels still seems to me to be a small miracle. I can’t help feeling that the music found me.

  3. I have had 16 cats,over the years. We are currently at three: Pookie the housepanther,Annie,Faye Bonbey, the tabby Pirate Queen,and Wednesday Addams. We lost the ashes of all but two in the move.

    • Though you lost their ashes, the spirits of all 16 are still with you; 16 Rainbow angels and 3 Earth angels.
      ?????Gillian????? and cuddles for Pookie the house panther, Annie Faye Bonbey the tabby Pirate Queen and Wednesday Addams.

  4. Michelle, thank you so much for this beautiful tribute to all of our dearly departed fur kids. Your tribute pic to my Bailey warms my heart, but seeing her amongst all the other featured angels, and the sleeping fur kids, is just wonderful. The tribute, accompanied by the lovely and appropriate Abba song, reminds me that she’s happy now, and that I will see her again❤️????


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