In international news this month was the long-awaited resignation of Boris Johnson. It’s true that Larry, the Resident Cat of Number 10 which is also the official residence of the British Prime Minister, had threatened him the night before and the Furkids are confident this contributed in no small part to Boris’s announcement the next morning.

To celebrate with Larry, the Furkids team decided on a fun favourite – the farewell song from the Sound of Music. There are British pennies in the jukebox this week and it’s all ready to go. Just press play – the white triangle in the centre of the screen – scroll down to the illustrated lyrics and sing along!

Good luck with the next resident, Larry!

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} Like the Furkids, I’m glad they finally got rid of him. But his party’s still in power. sigh. I can understand Larry the Cat being a bit jaundiced about who’s next. Lovely diary. That’s one of my favorite parts of Sound of Music, too. Skritches to Ms. Loula. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • It should’ve triggered an election and I don’t know why it didn’t. I think they will have to have a national election soon though because the majority party is a hot mess.
      Meanwhile, I’m assured Larry is staying cool in the heatwave they’re having and is being fed and fussed over by loving caretakers.
      PS – I’m waving hello, not goodbye!

      Love and moar hugs 🤗👋🏼💙👋🏼🤗Barbara🤗👋🏼💙👋🏼🤗
      with scritches for 💙Charlie💙Cloud💙Freddie💙Bobbie💙Rennie💙

    • I’m following him and sent him a link to this piece. I’m thinking of opening a Twitter account for the Furkids too.

  2. I loved this. I have a big smile on my face. Let me know if you open the an account for the furkids. I will follow.

  3. Unfortunately BoJo is still hanging in there and won’t leave until September. He may have resigned but he’s insisting he is the ‘caretaker’ until that sorry bunch in the Tory party get round to officially electing a replacement. Plus it’s only the sitting M.P.s who can vote in the election – Joe Public just has to put up with whichever upper class clown they decide on

    By the way, the word ‘tory’ is actually an Irish word meaning a robber or a vagabond (toraidh)

    • Some of the articles I read (written by people who know British politics) suggested there was a reason BoJo didn’t make his resignation effective until September – he’s hoping to engineer support to be able to tear up that resignation and stay in place. Considering there was no obvious “heir apparent” and looking at goings on since he “resigned” with no clear-cut successor emerging I can’t help but wonder if those people who voiced this concern might have been right. I won’t believe that asshole is gone anymore than I was ready to believe Trump would be gone until the Biden’s stuff was being moved into the WH while Trump’s ass was on the plane to FL. Once the sun set and the Biden’s were in the WH and Trump was at Mar A Lago I breathed easy. I suspect many in Britain including many in BoJo’s own Party have a similar feeling.

      • It’s possible, but with the fixed term legislation the tories will remain in power for another couple of years (at least). The only way an election could be triggered is if they lost a vote of confidence in the government itself (not in BoJo personally) and with all the negative publicity they aren’t going to vote themselves out of a well-paid job. There is no way the SNP, Labour and Lib Dems can mount enough votes to force a no confidence vote – the DUP will back the tories (especiallyl if they can find a PM who will tear up the Brexit ruling on the Norn Iron protocol).

  4. Absolutely delightful, as always. I had to go back and look at all the squee-ish pictures again after the song was finished. Thanks, Michelle, for this lovely interlude to the “awfuls.”


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