In a rare meeting of minds, the Funday Furkids team were unanimous in which song they wanted for this week. Instead of the usual cacophony of mooing, baaing, trumpeting and general gruffing, huffing and puffing that usually characterizes the weekly discussions, someone mentioned this song and there was instant agreement!

I must say I was surprised by their choice and asked them: why this particular song? After the mass eye roll — a gesture unmistakably meaning stoopy hoomin! — they explained it was because this song mentions Halloween and it’s Halloween week.

I ran the lyrics through my head, frowned and pointed out that the song actually says “no Halloween” so… Mass eye roll again — and I have to say, the cows are particularly good at eye-rolling — followed by “the song wouldn’t mention Hallowe’en if it wasn’t about Hallowe’en.”

This sounds logical, yet… “But the lyrics are saying that it isn’t about any celebration,” this stoopy hoomin persisted.

“Oh” they exclaimed en masse, “it isn’t about any one celebration it’s really about all celebrations because that’s what love is: all celebrations rolled into one happy life every day you’re loved.”

Stoopy hoomin nodded… can’t argue with that. For once their unpeckable logic is impeccable!

The burrowers in the team found enough coins behind the couch cushions for the jukebox so just hit play then scroll down through the lyrics and sing along!


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  1. {{{Michelle}}} Another lovely one. Yeah, the Furkids sometimes have to explain the obvious – or at least what’s obvious to them – to us stoopy hoomins. Skritches to Ms. Loula, Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}} to you.

    • furkids definitely have their own furry logic! {{{Big bear hugs}}} for you and scritches to Charlie, Cloud, Freddie, Bobbie, Murf and Rennie.

  2. Oh my, Mopsy. This is a masterpiece among your masterpieces! Every image is a perfect match to the lyrics. This has made my day!! xoxoxo

  3. Back in the late nineties I think it was, Bishop Desmond Tutu preached a Christmas sermon uning thos song. It was televised in the US and I saw it and will never forget it.

    • Bishop Desmond Tutu is one of Earth’s angels and I have to smile at the news that he chose such a purrfect song for a Christmas sermon – and, of course, the Furkids heartily approve of his inspired choice! The Bishop turned 90 this year and still looks healthy and vigorous, bless him.

  4. Awwww Michelle, this one is fantastic and just what I needed. I have that song on my playlist so I queue’d it up to go with watching the furkids. It was great. Thanks so much. ((((((((()))))))


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