What will they do for an encore after this, those historians and fact checkers at Fox News? Who writes copy over there? And do they drop acid before, during, or after? Or all of the above? If I had a real fireplace, instead of gas, I think I’d take my journalism degree out of the glass and just burn the freaking thing. I give up. There are literally “news” anchors, right there on the TV set, making beaucoup bucks, (a lot more than yours truly ever made when doing news and public affairs on the radio waves back in the 70’s and certainly more than any of us make over here as a blogger) but we fact check our work. We source and we cite. WTH is this?

Michael Weiss is a senior correspondent for Yahoo News. Or was. Maybe he saw this and decided to leap from the rooftop. I can’t say as how I blame him. Dear Gawd. Is there room on the roof for me? I’ll follow you.

Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848. Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 1925. You’re welcome.

I can understand the copywriters writing with complete abandon. Fox News people are a lot like Ron Burgundy, the writers know that whatever they write will come out of the mouths of the anchors, without passing through their brains. But what about those anchors? Do they simply not know? Or they simply don’t care? Let’s face it, broadcast journalism has always been a bastardization of good lucks first, journalistic acumen second, if at all.

The original network broadcasters had it all. I have great respect for the likes of Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, that generation of television journalists. And some of their successors in this day and age have some chops as well. But nobody who calls him or herself a journalist of any stripe would get in front of the cameras and do what this guy just did.

I think he wrote The Cat In The Hat. Oh, wait. That’s Dr. Seuss and if you screw with Dr. Seuss, Fox News goes totally ballistics. They go up in arms for it for weeks, how silly of me.

Here’s the perfect song for the occasion. “I just have to look good, I don’t have to be clear.”

“The bubbleheaded bleach blonde comes on at five.” Yes, she does. Right there on Fox News.

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  1. Theis factoid thus conveyed by Fux Spews is frivolous and of no value. it’s obvious both it, and their subject matter experts, know nothing about the subject and subject matter. It’s not even funny, but quite sad. Just watch out they don’t try to make out its your fault – they’re stupid, arrogant and myopic enough to try it on.

  2. Well, Faux Nooz sez George Santos wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. And Trump? He wrote the Bible, which is why MAGA “Christians” can ignore the Jesus stuff because Trump decided to do some “editing.”

  3. Calling Kilgore Trout…Mr Trout please pick up. Doesn’t matter what they wrote. 1848…1925…late comers. We had airfields in 1776. And I thought they were smart guys. I hear Adolf is working on a sequel. I wonder when this acid will wear off? I’m really hallucinating now.

  4. I had two women that worked for me that didn’t know who Lenin or Stalin were. They thought they knew who Hitler was. This is what we are up against. Fortunately for the fascist hordes, all you have to do with CT’s you only have to remember all the details of the lie, just the name of the enemy and the basic premise of the lie.

    Oh, and one of these women made her little first grader play football because she didn’t want him to grow up and become gay.

  5. With all due respect, Ursula, those “original network broadcasters” weren’t the Dan Rather generation, they were Edward R Murrow and Walter Cronkite’s generation. Rather worshipped Cronkite, rightly so, and Cronkite worshipped Murrow, who’d honed his skills as a war correspondent in London during the Blitz.
    And some of their current successors do indeed have chops: Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, for starters, plus Nicolle Wallace, Fareed Zakaria, Joy Reid, Ari Melber and Chris Hayes. So don’t go burning your diploma, your profession is well represented on the tube these days, as long as you look Leftwards.

    • The difference between now and then is the fools can chose to listen to propaganda that anyone can put on the internet for free and then they turn it into fact. If they don’t have internet the lies will soon make it to the three fascist cable channels as well as MSM.


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