This would be comical if it didn’t say something utterly horrific about our life in these United States. The adults of the world are in agreement that Donald Trump lost the 2021 election, adults being defined as people who believe the conclusions that the courts made with respect to over 60 lawsuits which alleged election interference and were found to be without substance or merit. Fox News is one of the adults, insofar as it does not want to get its ass roundly sued for lying about election fraud when there is evidence of none. We know all this.

We also know that there are adults, at Fox News, Newsmax and OAN, to name a few, who get rich on letting the children of the country, if you will, believe that there was some election hanky panky and that their cult hero might be coming back to them. These adults continue to humor the children because there’s a market for it and money is the name of the game.

So, one of the adults, Fox News, tried to straddle both lines today. They decided to run Trump’s CPAC speech, knowing he was going to lie about the election, and to cover themselves legally, they ran a disclaimer in the chyron.

As any school child can tell you, having your cake and eating it too usually doesn’t work out. But Fox News is game to try.

As for Newsmax and OAN, apparently they think they can apologize their way out of lawsuits or maybe settle out of court, who knows? But the basic principle is one worth looking at. That principle is, the Murdochs, Christopher Ruddy, all of them are just fine lying to the country. They are taking advantage of ignorant people, imbuing them with fear, ginning up hysteria so that they can clean out their wallets and influence their minds. Even P.T. Barnum would gasp at this and he famously said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Right-wing media only exists because there’s a market for the lies they tell. It’s bread and circus time, showmanship. Occasionally things get out of hand, January 6 being a prime example of the children going berserk after being lied to, but as long as the cash register is ringing in right-wing world, all is fine.

It will be interesting to track how long it takes the low information, no information people to keep hoping for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the restoration of Trump to power, and watching right-wing media for hopeful signs. Maybe they should take an image from Vladimir Putin. He said, “happiness is a mirage on a receding horizon.”

It’s all shadows, no substance folks. And ultimately, this is all an exchange among people of wealth and no taste, who are looking to play the underclasses and fleece them for all they’re worth. The problem with this level of gamesmanship is that we might lose democracy, playing with this kind of fire.


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  1. Should they refine their response by including: ‘after high level investigations by the office of AG Barr, his conclusion – there was NO EVIDENCE of ANY voting fraud in the 2021 election’

    Their statement that those companies, “CLAIM”, such and thus is a benign open door for escape by Fox at some point, but still leaves Donny Dickhead and others spouting the big lie …
    my thought is that all those blood sucking critters should NOW be lassoed into court actions, because the backlash of the armed insurrection players is once again coming online and maybe this time they will choose to place IED’s in a restaurant or common gathering of Congress people …

    Those people have shown they have itchy fingers on the triggers of their expensive AR-15’s,
    the true end of the Trump fiasco cannot come too soon … shove the orange turd in with those other big lie promoters in the GOP … what’s a good sentence for these creeps .. 10 years?

  2. As much as I am grateful and proud of what the Biden administration has accomplished, why are they dithering on shutting these fools up? Why has it taken so long to haul them all into court? Every day they continue this mad Tea Party Charade just distracts from the important work, like passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the For the People Act and infrastructure.

    Come on, buck up and Act Decisively!


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