Former Director of National Intelligence and current asshole, Richard Grenell has something he’d like to share with you, some misogynist mixed in with pro-gun over pro-living life..

I refuse to put all of this in block quotes. It is part of a conversation on Newsmax:

“Look, you had Congresswoman Slotkin in tears. You had Governor Gretchen Whitmer in tears. Both of them are completely emotional, off the rails going to a far-left progressive idea that somehow they and government must act to protect our kids.

Yeah. Absolutely crazy.

“First of all, the problem that I have is raising the bar and telling everybody that government, somehow, is going to absolutely protect kids is shameful because that cannot happen. Government can do a whole bunch of things like put cops and security guards on every single campus.

So the government is part of the answer, so long as it pours more guns into the situation?

“Whether it’s a college campus, a university or an elementary school, we should be protecting our kids. Why isn’t Governor Whitmer taking this seriously?

Wait, wut? He completely did a 180 on his premise. Tears are far more indicative of taking it seriously than getting all tough and alpha about it. It’s been 48 hours. What did he have in mind?

“She’s out there crying about the fact that we’re not protecting kids, yet telling people that the only way to protect kids is to take away guns when she has the ability to put armed guards at every single school, including Michigan State.

Ah, we reach the GOP sin qua non. The one thing that isn’t a solution is regulating guns. The only solution is to add more guns. And, by the way, I’m sure Michigan State, being one of the country’s largest universities, has an extremely competent campus police force.

“She should be impeached for being way too emotional and unable to really look at issues to solve issues. She’s out there crying at a press conference instead of doing good work.

It will be a long, long time before one reads or hears something more offensive from a MAGA operative. It’ll be at least tomorrow before they match the offensiveness of what Grenell just said.

How very typical. Grenell, who is gay and has had to deal with the wrong end of stereotypes, certainly enjoys placing his alpha male act on others. Some people are more emotional than others. My grandfather stopped going to movies because he cried through half of them. I tear up during commercials. And a governor absolutely can and should be emotional in any manner that it comes out when students in her state’s largest school are gunned down. Perhaps it helps to be a mother to understand, which is why we need more women leaders.

Criticizing the tears is garden-variety misogyny of the type we expect from the MAGAs. But Whitmer’s real offense, in Grenell’s eyes, is that she didn’t say: “We need to arm far more people, professors, maybe students, maybe a break glass gun along every hallway, or we need citizen patriots armed with guns paid for by the university, just walking the campus and buildings, looking for someone to shoot, someone who looks like he might cause trouble…

If Grenell weren’t gay, I would say that he has an obsession with Whitmer because she batted away his advances (She’s gorgeous and married), but – no, he just has an obsession with her. This is from the day before the shootings:


Anyway. Yes. Fck you, Richard.

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  1. I find myself tearing up from examples of the good kids doing good things for the older people in need of food, water or just some help cleaning up their yard or painting their house, also, the nimrods that accuse the survivor kids of various evils, because they carry their message to podiums and tell it like it was for them, and how assault weapons should not be devices sold to the general public … what could they be thinking?

    Sometimes those kids have a right to deliver the words of wisdom they learned from an unbelievable, horror story of active shooter times …

    They have been a voice for reason, starting at high school age when nobody should be shot at, killed or mutilated by an idiot with more firepower than many local police … getting more guns simply makes for more chances of mass killings … the shooter in the classroom with the younger classmates was using his firepower to blow the heads off the students, a very scary and impossible to imagine horror scene …

    We should all be aware of the dorks in Congress that support MORE not less gins … also, where the money is coming from and going to …

    Anyone like the MI Governor has every right to show emotion for young lives lost to a shooter, just because he could shoot people, and they were there … NO fkn REASON …

  2. Well, if it makes Grenell happy, I’m sure that Gov Whitmer will laugh her head off when she hears of his untimely passing (especially if it involves guns).


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