This could be silver lining time for the poor, unloved and abandoned Trump plane, which sits unused on a tarmac in New York, hoping somebody will fix it and take it into the air before weeds and the elements conspire to turn it into a wasted hulk. Kayleigh McEnany, who has reinvented herself from this generation’s Hanoi Hannah into foreign policy expert and humanitarian extraordinaire was whispering in the Fox News green room about how “President” Trump needs to save 10,000 Americans. Maybe he’ll fly the Trump plane and she’ll be the flight attendant, ya think? Personally, I’d rather have her serving my coke than listen to her talk about foreign policy.

Two thoughts leap to mind, one, how has the 10,000 figure been arrived at and then the obvious, how in the name of God is the Butterscotch Baron of Bedminster going to remove a body of people that size? What, he’s going to hire a fleet of jets? At his own cost he’s going to have 10,000 people airlifted out of Afghanistan and then take them where? Scatter them on the greens of various golf courses and give them tents and picnic baskets?

Maybe this is a preview of the newest Fox News talking point, Trump goes into action as janitor. He and he alone can clean up all the messes of the world. If Trump’s PAC starts fundraising today to rescue the Afghans, it won’t surprise me one jot. And if that is the case, maybe some kind of legislation needs to be cobbled together to address truth in fundraising, but let’s take this one idiotic step at a time.

Just as a note, I don’t know how Ron Filipkowski came by this footage. He’s a real mover and shaker on Twitter these days, a former Republican and prosecutor now a Democrat and criminal defense attorney, in Florida no less. He’s got fingers in a lot of pies and apparently connections that reach to the Fox News green room, even. I hope this footage gets a lot of play because this is a brilliant troll.



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  1. Not only is she a pathological liar, but for a girl it’s supposed to be pretty she has absolutely no sex appeal. She looks like a plastic doll and is just as mendacious as Trump

    • What I’ve observed about sex appeal is that it comes from within. McEnany has a pleasant looking exterior but there’s nothing much inside.

  2. The orange shitgibbon turd is flailing around in the sand box, you know, the stuff that swallows you up … the QUICK STUFF?

    He has claimed a LOT of donations to his pockets lately, under those false pretenses of reinstated office being eminent ..

    EVEN using all that cash to bolster his defense against the tsunami wave of prosecutors waving their pink slips of bad news for him, it will leave only one way out, or in as you might call life in prison … the plan to escort thousands of people from anywhere to anywhere else, is a huge fantasy for someone penniless, spending their days in a small room with a steel door and a bullet proof observation port …

    I have to agree with Ursula Faw, little cutesy former mouthpiece for Trump, without her makeup and form fitting dresses, she would show a hollow shadow with only basic senses, taste, smell, sight, and hearing, kind of like your earthworms you use for fishing …

    Trump’s actions lately, show a totally deflated mid-way barker at the state fair, squirming because he really knows the end is near and his rhetoric is no longer a crutch … nobody cares about him — they are running away to save themselves in the GOP, a few still acting like the stink bait they are, attacking Biden with more nonsense and stupid rhetoric …

    That big hammer in the hands of the House Committee will soon fall on everything important to Trump, pushing broom in the hallways will generate whistles and cat-calls … could not happen to a lower person …

  3. If you donate to Trump’s Super PAC to help the Afghans, be sure to read the fine print where the first $5000.00 of each donation goes for his “legal defense”.
    And don’t forget to uncheck the box that makes it a monthly donation.

  4. So Trump is going to rescue 10,000 Afghan refugees and do what? Bring them here? His Maga and Qanon base are already freaking out about that possibility. Wake up Barbie, you’re several steps behind the rest of your gang.


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