Take your time, I can wait a little longer. In fact, I’m kind of enjoying this. Because, while I’m waiting for justice, It’s Trump and his Satan’s spawn who are the ones slowly twisting in the wind, not you and I.

Trump has spent pretty much his entire criminal business life following the same basic premise when he’s called to task. If it’s vendor or small merchant, he threatens to tie them up in court until they go bankrupt from the legal fees to force them to settle for pennies on the dollar. And for state or federal civil or criminal charges, he tries to gum up the works, filing frivolous lawsuits, knowing those all take time, and appealing his losses in court. The goal is to run out the statute of limitations before the plaintiffs can get enough evidence to go to court. Just look at the Mueller investigation and his two impeachments.

But Guess what, Dorothy? You aren’t in Kansas anymore. On Friday, a New York state appellate court ruled unanimously that Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump all have to quit dicking around and go get deposed for NY AG Letitia James’s civil investigation into the Trump organization. This is in addition to the fact that it’s costing Trump $10,000 a day as long as he fails to comply with James’s subpoenas to turn over documents.

This is great news for more reasons than I can count. First of all is the fact that the decision was unanimous. Black letter law is clear, you must comply with a legally issued subpoena and appear to depose. Second, to paraphrase the movie Con Air, Traitor Tot and his cabal are just about shit out of runway. There is only one higher state appellate court in New York that Trump can peiition, and doing do would require the approval of the court that just shot him down. That is a whole lot less likely with a unanimous decision than it would have been if the decision was 2-1.

But here’s my favorite. Trump literally is Shit out of runway! Trump put 3 howler monkeys on the US Supreme Court. For this instance, he may as well given them jobs handing out pool towels at one of his resorts. The New York state Attorney General is investigating possible New York State infractions, and in New York state court. There is no federal jurisdiction over this matter. Trump couldn’t appeal to SCOTUS even if he tried.

This is why I say that Trump is down 3-0 with less than 100 on the clock. Trump will of course try to file an appeal to the court of last resort, hoping to run out the clock on the Statute of limitations. He always does. But here’s the McGuffin. Letitia James is obviously a very skilled lawyer, both criminal as well as civil litigation, and she obviously has a well qualified staff.

I find it hard to believe that somebody as obviously qualified as James has gone this far, getting subpoenas for documents and data, and subpoenas for testimony from His Lowness and his brood without picking up at least one keeper charge along the way. In most states, the statute of limitations is 5 years from the date of the commission of the crime. If you can’t charge in 5 years, then you’re shit out of luck. That is what Trump is likely shooting for.

But James is sharp enough, and Trump and his brood are schmucks of a magnitude that we haven’t seen since the Roslyn Village Idiot, that I find it impossible to believe that James hasn’t come across at least one charge she can make stick. Bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, misappropriation of funds. Something that she can go to a grand jury with and secure an indictment. That’s what’s commonly called a keeper charge. Once she secures that indictment, the statute of limitations immediately stops, because the Trump mob is now in the state judicial system, charges have been filed. And that gives her all the time in the world to continue her investigation, and file superseding indictments as she finds more malfeasance to prosecute.

This is why I’m so happy, and willing to be patient. Trump has gotten away with far too much, and for far too long for his streak to continue forever. James has the time, the skills, and I believe the evidence to take Trump and his criminal cabal down on civil RICO charges. And that doesn’t even count Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis and her criminal RICO investigation for voter fraud now under a special grand jury in Georgia. One with subpoena power, not that the Georgia primaries are over. Tick-tock, tick-tock.


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