(Above: Twerp)

Chuck Todd hit a new low today, carrying the GOP’s water on AOC’s calling the interment camps for Latin-American Refugees what they are — concentration camps — and criticizing Democrats for not condemning her.

If you prefer not to click on MTP’s link you can watch it here, NBC took down the link I posted last night (I wonder why) so I added this one…


NBC needs to get this little worm off the air until he buys a dictionary.


“Concentration Campa place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard…”

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  1. Well, I’M calling it a freaking concentration camp! People forget that it’s a different deal than the extermination camps. The more Todd talks, the more I want him to shut up.

      • They had a lot of different kinds of camps. Some of them were actual prison camps, for POWs.
        Also Chuckie needs to spend a little time with Wikipedia, a good US history text, or one of the many encyclopedias in libraries. He could learn about the camps that Native Americans were put in, for example, as late as 1910 (for some of the Chiricahua Apache, including Geronimo.)

  2. I’d love to disagree with everything Todd says just because I find him utterly unlikeable…but in the case I see both points of view.

    On the principle of the thing, sure, I agree with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. The administration’s policy and actions are rooted in xenophobia and racism, and therefore there are legitimate comparisons to be made to historical concentration camps that are technically accurate.

    But Rep. Ocasio-Cortez isn’t seeking to be technically accurate – she’s seeking to evoke the Nazi imagry as a pejorative. And in doing so, she’s ignoring that there are many, many ways in which this policy is nothing like the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. This is nothing more than Godwin’s law trolling…the lowest possible form of debate, and one that belongs on Reddit rather than in the halls of Congress.

    I like AOC…but this toxic, unrelenting rhetoric is tiresome and obnoxious. And like I said, not because I disagree with her. In private with other Dems, I might say the same thing. But as public speech, this is unhelpful. It doesn’t change anyone’s minds. It doesn’t serve a purpose. It’s part of the reason her favorables are awful.

    I’m not saying this is an egregious error, and that it requires an apology or anything close to that. It’s just really unfortunate language to hear her using.

    • The dictionary definition is very clear to ACTUALLY include the poor people being put into dog run cages, stacked in less space than required to meet fire marshal standards …

      But I do agree with P J Evans above, because of fear and loathing, created by dumb nuts in the WH, he has been able to do something, another never-again thing, put these people into the same areas used for the Japanese/Americans, pulled out of their own homes and shipped to roofing paper/2X4 shacks in long rows with armed guards, sounds JUST LIKE IT IS CALLED in the dictionary, concentration camps.

      I think AOC realizes the difference between these and the extermination camps of the Nazi War machine … and frankly, the Republican machine under McConnell, could be doing so much more setting up efficient processing centers for these would-be citizens anxious and willing to meet all the requirements of citizenship … and stealing 1.6 trillion dollars out of our working funds, giving it to all the wealthiest people in the country, maybe some of it to themselves, will make the solutions to many problems we are faced with, almost unattainable, I sure don’t want the Senate to start tearing up health and social security plans to pay for McConnell’s follies …

      • I don’t disagree. I think I was just cranky when I wrote that post. I’m just tired of the hate and meanness and childishness. It so pervades our politics…and I don’t see how all of this leads anywhere good.

        Some day Trumpism will be over, and we will all be left to clean up the mess. I just hope that when that time comes, we can put some of the hate and demagoguery behind us.

  3. Chuck Toad, the fucking son of a bitch who does nothing but carry water for the repubs. I am so sick of his bullshit. I’ve written MSNBC about him and have asked why they have such a partisan ass spewing his shit. I NEVER get an answer from them. I detest this asshole about as much as trump!!!! AOC is right Chuck. She nailed the truth of the situation and all this asshole does is try to degrade powerful Democratic women. Get rid of him MSNBC he is fucking worthless!!!

  4. Bravo Dino! In the US during WWII they were called “internment” camps. In Cuba during the early sixties they were called “labor” camps. Whatever you wanna call ’em….they are prisons.
    And yeah, someone please give that guy an unabridged dictionary, preferably with an etymology section.


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