Forest Gump maybe didn’t have what it takes to be a theoretical physicist, but I honestly think he wouldn’t have done anything this pyrotechnically — literally — stupid. Florida is one of the states where there are gas lines and that leads to panic buying and that led to this. I shouldn’t laugh, this is tragic, but I can’t help it.

I’m laughing so hard tears are streaming down — and this is not funny! This is dangerous! When did Americans get so freaking stupid? Or has it always been this way? I learned how to drive in high school, as did most of us, and I learned that you put gas in a metal container and the container went in the trunk and you hoped you didn’t get rear ended because it could explode.

And there are signs in every gas station to turn off your engine when pumping gas. That’s so you don’t blow yourself up.

Here’s another great image. This could change your day really fast, if this scenario went wrong.

Yeah, just shoot somebody while standing next to a gas pump. Capital idea, that. What could go wrong?

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  1. People who walk around holding rifles are exactly the people who shouldn’t be allowed to possess such firearms. It screams of irresponsibility and a lack of maturity.

    The idiot in the Hummer is lucky to be alive. ”Floriduh Man” is giving “Texass Dude” a run for his money.

    • Do you mean people sitting in Darwin’s waiting room, holding a waiting ticket with an extremely large whole number? Might be awhile before their reptilian brains slither to another level wayyyyy down the line. Oops. Up? Sideways? God only knows.

  2. I saw a pic on the weekly blog of a rather “colorful” guy that was clear plastic trash bags full of gas in the rear of an SUV. I swear my first thought (before I started reading) was that it was bags of piss! I was horrified to learn someone would fill up garbage bags with GASOLINE. There is stupid and their is STOOPID and I don’t recall this kind of thing going down during the oil embargos from the OPEC days back in the 1970s.

    I gather the owner of the Humvee survived, but he’d damned lucky the blast didn’t kill him. The flash burns will be a painful (and really, really painful) reminder of just how stupid he was. One last thing that will haunt this jackass. I’d be willing to bet that his insurance won’t cover this not so little incident!

    • My understanding is that the clear plastic bags were a couple of years ago: stolen gas in Mexico. But there are lots of fools in the US. (I wonder if those buying lots of gas still have cases of TP from last spring.)

    • Also, a lot of places restricted buying during the oil embargo. In CA, it was odd or even, alternating days. People still filled up tanks, and stations still ran out, but I think there was less insanity around at the time.

    • Putting gasoline in a non-approved container and then placing that container in the passenger compartment, and then lighting a cigarette is Trumpanzee Stupid! The only way to make it more dangerous would be if the person was on oxygen at the time!!


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