Hoo boy — the stupid, it burns….

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  1. Ever wonder if Mexico is going to get a flood of American refugees in the coming years? If that happens, I hope they treat us better than Carlson’s words would merit us.

    • Whatever happened to our Good Neighbor to the South? I guess we can kiss that goodbye. What’s next, we go against those shoe smuggling, maple syrup junkies in Canada?

  2. Mexico in World War 2 “If you ask people to name the victorious Allied Powers in World War II, Mexico isn’t usually a name that comes to mind. But after declaring war against the Axis in mid-1942, Mexico did contribute to the Allied victory in important ways. Despite long standing tensions with the United States, Mexico would become a valuable ally to its northern neighbor, ramping up its industrial production and contributing vital resources to the Allied war effort.

    In addition, thousands of Mexican nationals living in the United States registered for military service during World War II. Mexico’s own elite air squadron, known as the Aztec Eagles, flew dozens of missions alongside the U.S. Air Force during the liberation of the Philippines in 1945.” https://www.history.com/news/mexico-world-war-ii-surprising-involvement


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