This is another one of those clips where you see it and rather than laugh, it’s just too pathetic to be comical. That is, unless you have a certain meanness of spirit that I for one do not possess. Yes, I love to mock these fools and I do it daily. But on certain occasions one of them is so pathetic that I just shake my head.

Herschel Walker, once again, has jumped into the news cycle because he feels he has to. He needs to be relevant, he needs to let you know that he’s on top of the issues and has a plan.

Here is his offer to chaperone/bodyguard Speaker Pelosi and I would bet my bottom dollar her reaction to this will be the same as mine.

Am I correct in assuming that the Speaker of the House enjoys the protection of the Secret Service when on diplomatic missions abroad? Or, is she just throwing a few things in a bag and traveling alone and she could use Herschel?

I hope he gets resoundingly trounced in the election and goes and writes his memoirs  — or goes back to the FBI, or his upholstery business or opens up a Russian roulette tearoom, whatever. The man is a caricature and he’s embarrassing himself and the GOP. The sooner he’s out of the public eye the best for all concerned.

There is no rule that celebrities, sports figures, actors, what have you, cannot be good politicians. Indeed they can. Volodomyr Zelensky is the poster child for that premise. Al Franken was highly competent. Even Ronnie Raygun, although I couldn’t stand him, legitimately started out in politics as the president of the Screen Actors Guild.

But Walker does not belong in this business. It’s sad that he’s delusional enough to think that he might. And it’s sadder still that somebody in the GOP isn’t on top of this. Isn’t it McConnell’s mantra, “Give me electable candidates?” You sure let this one slip through the cracks, Mitch.

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  1. Someone should clue Hershel in that Nancy Pelosi is on the opposing team. And yes, all Congressional leaders, majority and minority, have protection details. Not sure if they are USSS, but they do have security.

    I can’t believe he still has a campaign. Some of his staffers have complained to the media that he lies to them. Who would want to work for someone you can’t trust? So far the only thing his campaign manager has done right is keeping him off the debate stage.

    McTurtle and NRSC had a lot of trouble recruiting candidates this cycle, so I think they wrote GA off a long time ago.

    • Had Trump not been regularly pissing in and tossing hamberder turds into the punchbowl Yertle would have had better luck getting candidates. However, from the beginning was hampered by Trump refusing to go away. That meant trying to find “Goldielocks” candidates that were just Trumpy enough to satisfy the flaming orange human shaped rectum down at Marmalade Lago yet able to pull off a Glenn Younkin type magic trick in VA. Yertle was also hampered by having potentially credible people that might have put on better campaigns deciding to sit this year out in hopes that they could preserve viability in 2024 and beyond. There are assholes out there almost as bad as DeSantis but less overt, and younger ones have their own Presidential ambitions. But from the state level, the proportion of MAGAts is such that they know they would have to appease those goobers and wind up being stuck with the stench of Trump forever.

      It’s got to be driving Yertle fucking crazy. Absent serious voter suppression AND some outright cheating at best it’s looking like the status quo in the Senate will hold. Worse, there’s a fair chance (thanks to SCOTUS) the GOP will wind facing a Senate with 52 or even 53 Democrats. That sidelines Manchin and Sinema and a fifty-third Democratic Senator would give Schumer an extra vote to play with. Also, in that environment which everyone would damn well know was due to Trump and his refusal to STFU it would start getting harder to maintain the filibuster – assuming it doesn’t undergo major changes or be done away with entirely!

      He’s going to have some GOP Senators out for his ass if things go down that way. With Trump intending to run (and even if convicted he’ll drag out appeals and won’t be in jail right away) and DeSantis looking like the heir apparent in a no-Trump GOP field there will be no coattails to ride for those up in 2024. And they can “thank” McConnell’s fierce focus on remaking the federal courts but especially SCOTUS for their endangered status. Could it be that Moscow Mitch might decide early next year it’s time to retire and “spend time with family?” We can hope…

    • Georgia is truly a joke. But the worst part of it is, from the GOP’s standpoint, this guy Walker walked away with the GOP nomination. What does that say about the Republican party in Georgia? If I was McConnell I’d be looking to fix this mess at the roots. Or, maybe it’s too late for that. Their loss, our gain.

  2. “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities.” (attributed to Winston Churchill)

  3. I keep wondering why the GOP is so happy to see her go to Taiwan. What are they planning? And shouldn’t Kevin and Mitch go with her?

  4. Newsflash!!! The GOP senate candidate just admitted the Secret Service can’t be trusted to guard anyone from the albino nazi to ms Pelosi. Thanks herschel.

  5. Hasn’t Georgia inflicted enough damage on their state & the American people by electing the likes of M.T Greene to the House? She’s become a laughing stock around the whole world. (A “peach tree dish”? “Commander and Chief”?) If they’d dare elect Walker to the Senate, Washington would be even more of a circus than it is now. McConnell said if he doesn’t become Senate majority leader again next year, he’s going to resign. From his turtle lips to the ears of the gods. Moscow Mitch is the dirtiest player in D.C. The cesspool can’t be cleaned up until major creeps like McConnell are gone.


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