Nothing like a free for all in the last few hours leading up to the Republican National Convention by one of the stalwarts of the evangelical sect of Donald Trump’s cult, namely Jerry Falwell, Jr.

This is an interesting development. Falwell has said that he was being blackmailed by the pool boy. Maybe all they really did was get together and play Parcheesi?

This has all the earmarks of something that will get even stranger before it’s finally resolved. “Imagine a world, where an evangelical hypocrite of the basest order is outed by his lover, the pool boy, and then decides that his need to sell jet aircraft fuel to the Pentagon and hang out at the White House outweighs his moral obligations. He will soon find out why politics and religion don’t mix — here in the Twilight Zone.”

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  1. Asshole is trying to hang onto something that’s likely to slip through his fingers anyway. He’s going to be given a choice: leave under his own power or be forced out. He’s done either way.

    • Liberty University has a set of plans, which they published earlier, on how they’re proceeding without Falwell. They’re going ahead without him. He’s a liability. I think what may have happened, is that they announced that he had resigned and he really hadn’t. Fine. They can fire him publicly, if he wants. He’s another trust fund baby like Trump. He’s used to getting his own way and can’t imagine it otherwise.

  2. We are living in a Crossfire Hurricane. The enemy believes they can commit any form of abomination and god is still on their side because they will always declare their belief in Jesus. In their minds they are bullet proof. The closest thing we have come to this in the way of enemies are the kamikaze pilots of WWII.

    Don’t care a flip about this thing’s pool boy. What is dangerous is the way they twist their treason around by saying they owe allegiance to god’s law and not man’s law. They are the biggest enemy we have ever seen.

    • I’m not sure the exact verse, but the Bible says even the demons believe in God, so what? They are deceiving themselves and lost.

    • “But it’s alright now,/In fact, it’s a gas…” So spake Sir Michael “Mick” Jagger and it’s true here too. The winds from that hurricane gonna blow them away too.

    • It’s so amazing how people can be so deluded about the “God is on our side” bull crap. And, it’s most amazing in the “Bible Belt” where football (especially high school and college-level) is its own religion. For decades, it was common (and in some areas, it still is) for BOTH teams’ to hold “prayer sessions” in the locker room just before the game and then, prior to the game itself, someone would issue a “non-partisan” prayer; while the locker room prayer would generally be the selfish “Lord, help us win” variety, the pre-game prayer would be a more general prayer for the well-being of the spectators and the teams and the country as a whole. Obviously, if BOTH teams were begging God’s help in winning the game, God was either not interested in the outcome or He was decidedly partisan since ties are NEVER an acceptable outcome in football. And yet, the faith of players and spectators never wavered–not even when it came to teams that would have a winless season; oddly, they would rather blame the coach and/or the players (the coach did a lousy job, the team didn’t have enough faith in God, etc) than put the blame on God to whom they’d prayed.


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