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Lauren Boebert has a big sad because that mean ole poopy-head Eric Swalwell won’t say hi to her between classes.

After Eric gave her the big chill after she tweeted mean stuff at him for like days, Miss thang had this to say…

… on Mike Huckabee’s show on TBN.

Rep. Eric Swalwell couldn’t resist posting a quick riposte on Twitter:

… featuring a gif from a scene from 2009’s “He’s Just Not That Into You”… that is spot on.

Twitter enjoyed it.




Thanks for the laughs, tweeters!

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  1. If he wants to cheat on his wife with a mindless piece of ass, I’m sure he’ll call. Doesn’t Trump have you booked up???

  2. She sounds like 12 year-old Mean Girl.
    Palin at least somehow got a,college degree,even if it took her 5 years,and several.colleges. Bumblebees couldn’t finish high school.and took 4tries to get a GED. She actually makes Palin look smart and competent,two words I never thought I’d use attached to the VP wannabe.

  3. Well my thought is that Eric doesn’t want to talk to the bitch without witnesses on his side. Eric would wipe the floor with her in some sort of debate thing. But little twits like her would try to say he was trying to take advantage of the tramp. Eric has been around for awhile. He can see her crap a mile away.


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