I wonder if a gag order for defendant Trump’s doofus son, Eric, might not be in order. He was on Fox News today spreading idiocy with a trowel. He claims that the court trials that Trump attends are tremendous fundraising vehicles, yielding “millions of dollars” every time Daddy waddles into court. Isn’t that good to know? Then the six to eight weeks of trial, four days a week, ought to bring him nothing but good fortune. He can pay all his bills and secure his bonds. That would be a change of pace for him.

The hoax that Eric Trump is spreading has been debunked. Either he doesn’t know it’s been debunked or he simply doesn’t care and he’s spreading falsehoods about Loren Merchan. I hope what we’re witnessing is the bottom of American culture. I hope that in a post-Trump era some of this gets dealt with.

One way of dealing with these things would be to post a chyron which fact checks in real time and then subsequent replays of a video contain the actual truth. Here, it would simply say that Trump is wrong, Loren Merchan does not “literally” have a photo of Donald Trump behind bars on her social media profile.

One segment of the public is treated like children in the world of today. Right-wing media lies to its viewers and readers non stop. It does so because it has found great profit in doing so. On the other hand, we have also seen the Republican party lose three elections in a row now, not to mention all the special elections, so something is going awry.

At some point that something is going to reach a tipping point. Any edifice built on a shaky foundation is eventually going to collapse. Right-wing media has exploded in the Era of Trump but that era is in the process of morphing into something else. The GOP has turned completely MAGA this election with Lara Trump and her election denying co-chair Michael Whatley at the helm of the RNC. Now supposing that the GOP takes a bloodbath this November, and part of that is due to the down ballot races not getting funded, Lara’s hold on the RNC throne may be shaky, at the very least.

Nobody knows where this is going. The best political strategists, many of them former Republican strategists, have not yet come up with an idea of how a new GOP, or a new conservative party, period, is going to arise from the ashes of Trump. We’re all engaged in it, watching it on a daily basis. Nobody seems to have the proverbial 10,000 foot view of where this is all going.

Yes, MAGA and a desperate unstable Trump are hoping that Trump gets back in. But suppose that doesn’t happen and Trump loses again and a lot of the GOP down ballot with him. Then what? It’s insanity time, where Republicans are just going to keep Trump as the standard bearer over and over again and hope for a different result.

We’re living at the most crucial time in American history since WWII. I think that is safe to say. And in terms of the division of this country, we haven’t been in this place since the Civil War.

Donald Trump is an inveterate liar and so are his children. His campaign is built on lies. What happens when the lies aren’t doing the trick? I think Rupert Murdoch has an inkling. He has a *leftist* commentator, Jessica Tarlov, who is excellent. The fact that she’s on Fox News and allowed to introduce notes of reality into the daily symphony of falsehood tells me that Murdoch is hedging his bets and he knows that the days of full bore lying are dwindling and he needs to prepare for a different future.

I would trust Murdoch’s instincts. He was around long before Trump, he will be around long after. At least Fox News will.

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  1. If you lose more millions than you’re taking in it means you’re LOSING. Like Truth Social making four million last year. Okay Eric, what about the fact it LOST 59 million? His brain doesn’t seem to be able to understand basic arithmetic or logic.

  2. “The fact that she’s on Fox News and allowed to introduce notes of reality into the daily symphony of falsehood tells me that Murdoch is hedging his bets and he knows that the days of full bore lying are dwindling and he needs to prepare for a different future.”

    I doubt that. I’d be more willing to bet that Murdoch hired her as a future “legal defense strategy.” You know, like if she’d been on the network when all the other hosts were helping spread the lies about Dominion Voting and she’d been on the air to refute those claims, Murdoch could’ve used her to refute the Dominion lawsuit with something like, “Well, sure those dozen hosts spread lies but Ms Tarlov refuted those claims on-air so we can’t possibly be held liable.” (I imagine if Fox had had fact-checkers on staff plastering chyrons refuting the lies about Dominion in repeated segments or even during live segments–though some of them might’ve found it tough to keep from putting up a chyron, especially near the end of the program, with something like, “Oh, for the love of God, will someone please shut Carlson up already? We can’t keep up with all the lies coming out of his mouth!”)

  3. If the post on D.K. is correct (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/4/9/2234341/–Dire-straits-Insiders-say-Trump-campaign-s-in-shambles-just-months-from-election?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web), then dingle berry’s son is exercising some wishful thinking…extreme wishful thinking. All evidence (staff hiring/numbers/placement) points to trump being behind the 8-ball. Closing basically all the rnc outreach centers points to either a lack of funds, stupidity, or both. I also like where the article goes with regard to small donors: those donations are behind ’16 & ’20’s amounts. Will the little magats start writing checks, knowing as they ought to those checks are not going to reelection efforts but rather efforts to try to keep tubby’s ass out of jail? Some likely will, some won’t.

    Eric, as usual, sounds as dumb as he looks. Seems like dingle berry has idiots for sons which does not bode well for Barron.


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