On the subject of ‘things that would make a pack of feral cats laugh…’

Somewhere shooting an endangered species no doubt.




Stephanie brought receipts.

O/T but yup.


Or they’re just stupid.

You left out a 0 Ernie.


You an me both, Tes.



Er… I’ve lost my appetite…

Well, if you put it THAT way…

Ding, ding ding!

That’s a wrap, folks!

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  1. When under oath, & asked about any of their activities, their response? “I plead the fifth”. Multiple that by hundreds & you have a real honest family. Yeah. Feed that pig slop to the brainless evil swine that comprise Trump supporters.

  2. “we’re the first honest family…”Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah.

    oh shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahah.

    I almost wet myself…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

    gotta change clothes.

  3. Hmm. I seem to remember an humble peanut farmer from Georgia, who served his country during WW2 in the US Navy, who spent Sundays as a Sunday School teacher and lay leader of his local Baptist church, who was so honest that he confessed to having lustful thoughts during a Playboy interview–that this man, this HONEST man (and his honest family) entered Washington DC 40 years before the Trump clan slithered into DC. That man was Jimmy Carter–a man who, after losing to Ronald Reagan (and never once complaining about any fraud*), continued serving the public, primarily through his charity work with Habitat for Humanity. Oh, and he even continued his church duties when he was able to go home DURING his presidency.
    It’s also worth noting that Carter accepted FULL responsibility within hours of the disastrous rescue attempt in the summer of 1980 (his successor would palm off any notion of responsibility for the deaths of the more than 240 marines who died in Beirut in 1983 for more than a month, trying to lay the blame on the American military commanders on site as well as Pentagon officials).

    *As we all know, the Reagan team (supposedly without informing Reagan of their shenanigans) were deeply involved with making sure that Carter’s negotiations over the hostages in Iran were thwarted until after Election Day. Shockingly, in December of 1980, the Iranians were all too ready to “resume” their negotiations but, very oddly, refused to consider any actual release until January 20th, 1981 at the earliest. (Curious how Reagan was able to work in news of the hostages’ release *during* his Inaugural Address. You’d almost think he had people on the inside . . . .)

    • Every time I hear the republiklans fawn over that evil piece of shit Reagan, I want to vomit. I wonder how many innocent people were raped, tortured & killed by his juntas in Latin America? Death squads trained in Georgia. Paid for by trading guns & cocaine, transported on military planes. Iran-contra? “I don’t remember”…yeah. Right. Meanwhile, his brain dead bitch is leading a campaign to lock up pot smokers. Evil. Evil. Evil. Carter was a great president & highly moral. We should be so lucky to have a president like him. Oh yeah. We DO have a moral man in office…Joe Biden.

  4. People including me have poked fun at this dweeb by referring to him as Fredo. But shit like this and I’m thinking that is insulting to ole Fredo. The character from The Godfather was a fucking genius, like Einstein and Stephen Hawking combined compared to Eric Trump!

    • Come on man…all they want is respect…cuz they is smart. Not like daddy who has a vocabulary of a preschooler. The burning question is why am I getting kicked out of preschool just cuz I can’t spell my name & I eat the white glue everytime the teacher turns their back? I’m mad. I’m sad. I’m…uh…daddy? What’s the next word? Is it glad or bad? OK. Let’s go with mad.


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