I cannot actually believe that the GOP writ large is this fucking stupid! The entire party finally fell for a con so cheap and shabby that a rube from the corner of Nebraska would have gone running if someone on a street corner had tried playing him. And they just can’t let go.

Kreepy Kevin, Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, Inglorious MTG, hell, even Rudy Ghouliani and Sydney Powell know that there was no widespread fraud in 2020. The Big Lie was never anything more or less than a way for Traitor Tot to lick his nuts and try to convince his sheeple base that he wasn’t actually the Biggest Loser since George HW Bush. The simple state governed election process, each with their own rules and procedures, almost ensures that widespread electoral fraud is impossible.

But here we go again. The polls in California don’t even close for just a tad more than 24 hours yet, but if you go to GOP California Gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder’s website, the home page is already emblazoned with a Stop The Steal banner along with a link to donate to a legal defense fund, already admitting 24 hours before the polls close that he has lost the election, and vowing a court fight. This is insane. As I said, the process itself is so heavily tilted against the possibility of fraud as to make it almost non existent.

In my misbegotten youth, I was exposed to what I believe was the greatest example of elector fraud I have ever seen. Back in the 1960’s. Da Boss, Chicago Mayor Richard J Daley, was in a brutal primary campaign against for former trusted friend and confidant, States Attorney Ben Adamowski. The outcome was in peril for Daley. And so the Cook County Democratic party called in Short Pencil Louie, the premier vote thief in Illinois history. Fortunately, a Chicago Tribune photographer managed to get into a vote counting room, and snapped several photos of Louie furiously erasing X’s for Adamowski, and marking them in for Daley instead. The Adamowski camp was furious, but the Democratic machine made sure that the results held.

In the rest of my life, I have only seen one other campaign cheat that had the potential to change an election’s results. That was a couple of years ago, in a competitive district in North Carolina, when a GPO operative had runners go from door to door collecting   unmarked ballots from citizens, and then marked them for the GOP candidate before having them turned in. The fraud was so clumsy that the North Carolina Board of Elections refused to certify the results, and a new election was held.

That’s it, The system is so complex that it’s almost impossible to change a result by fraudulent means, and do it so slickly that it isn’t caught. And wingnut Larry Elder is already spouting off about how he is going to file a lawsuit over rampant voter fraud.

He might want to do a little research first. Former personal lawyer for disgraced former President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani has lost his ticket to practice law in both Washington Dc as well as New York state. There are 9 loyal Trump lawyers, including Lin Wood and Sydney Powell, who are all awaiting sanctions from their own state bars for their abuses of the legal system in a Michigan court pushing a bogus voting fraud case. And two Colorado GOP lawyers just got dinged by a Colorado federal district court judge to pay the legal expenses of the defendants, and are awaiting word on possible sanctions from their state bar. Elder may have a problem finding a lawyer suicidal enough to file another frivolous federal lawsuit.

But here’s where the GOP is really fucking themselves blind. Given a choice, Democrats tend to vote early, either in person or by mail. GOP voters tend to show up in greater numbers at the ballot box on election day in person. By coming out 24 hours in advance to proclaim the election as rigged and stolen, then why would those GOP voters bother to go to the polls on election day to cast a ballot for a rigged election?

The GOP has clearly completely lost their shit. Claiming that the 2020 election was stolen was one thing. But if you’re going to project that bullshit forward, then you leave no reason at all for your base to show up and vote on election day. And all that the reduced GOP turnout on election day does is to make it easier and easier to prove that no fraud was present. Trump’s ego building message is going to tank the GOP if they don’t wise up.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Ah yes, the machine. I’m not sure any state in the nation ever had anything close to what Daly had/did. How on earth I became a loyal Dem after watching that sh*t all my life to this day remains a mystery to me. lmao

  2. The conclusion, murf, is startlingly obvious.

    So, the clueless GQP voters, who won’t go to the polls because of it, will STILL claim it was stolen, even if they lose 99-1.

    “See, how could anybody win by that much?” they’ll claim.


  3. That page has been up for a while, apparently. The site is being run out of Washington state, which makes me wonder who’s funding it.

    Also, the polls were projecting yesterday 60% No.

  4. Murf – this is called tithing in churches. 15 years in christian cult. Pay for pamphlets, videos, conferences, even our own bible. So…cult of RW idiots- they gotta pay and their “leaders” know how to suck it out of ’em.

  5. I’m sorry, but this guy resembles a horrible person from Uganda, the way he talks and sets his jaw as the righteous leader he feels like, that man was Idi Amin … no foul play here just an unfortunate resemblance …

    Is there even enough data about this guy to trust him to run a state with more people and a huge economy, that apparently creates hurt fe-fe’s because well, it IS blue and the people HAVE been comfortable with their state until RWNJ’s started the lies on voting and blaming everyone else for their, “problems”,.


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