Before you have heart palpitations and keel over, the poll cited herein shows Donald Trump at 47% of the vote to Joe Biden’s 46% and as you well know, that is a statistical tie. Anything within 3.5% is considered within the margin of error, so 47 to 46 is a statistical tie. Newsweek:

A national Emerson College Poll found that if the two men were to go head-to-head in 2024, Trump would be slightly favored with 47 percent against Biden’s 46 percent.

Biden has split job approval among registered voters, the poll found. It said that around 47 percent disapprove and 46 percent approve of the work he is doing as president. The other 7 percent were undecided.

Of the Democrats polled, 60 percent said they would see Biden as the 2024 presidential nominee, while 39 percent said they would rather it be someone else.

Of the Republican voters polled, 67 percent said they would vote for Trump in a hypothetical GOP primary with seven other candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (the only candidate to reach double-digit support at 10 percent when the former president is in the race) , former Vice President Mike Pence, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former South Carolina Governor and ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

When placed head-to-head in a hypothetical 2024 presidential race, Biden is favorite to win against all of the other Republican challengers, including DeSantis.

The good news translation of this is Biden favored to win over all other candidates, with he and Trump in a statistical tie. The message there is that Trump is the only candidate that the GOP has with even the potential to beat Biden. I don’t know what would happen in a rematch. I’m hoping that doesn’t come to pass, but indeed it might.

On the downside, Trump always under polls, so if this poll is showing a statistical tie, it may very well be an indicator that even more people would vote for Trump. Not trying to be a downer, here, merely saying that the figure 73 million is etched in my brain.

As Mary Trump observed, the GOP is busy with a lot of voter suppression bills and Uncle Donald might very well run if he thinks the vote can be rigged in his favor. That is a prime consideration here.

It’s also September, 2021 and it’s a long long way to 2024. Let’s worry about next year’s midterms first.

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  1. I won’t say I’m not a bit concerned, but Biden has taken a highly unfair hammering from the “liberal” mainstream media over Afghanistan. Nicole Wallace nailed it when right at the beginning of that final withdrawal that most of the American public would agree with it and most of her colleagues in the media would hate it. We are still over a year from the midterms and the media wants to focus on 2024 and their GODDAMNED horse race. With all the rumblings about Trump maybe running again the Afghanistan withdrawal gave them a golden opportunity to DODGE doing real journalism (maybe all the way to Nov. 24) and turn the focus of the news into 2020 “horse race” coverage of politics! ANYTHING to please the corporate bottom line. And Trump gets ratings and news.

    Important issues and the quality of lives or even actual lives (as in life and death) don’t merit consideration to the corporate media bosses or even 99% of the “talent” when there is easy money to be made.

    • Biden’s hammering from the “liberal” media is because the assholes will NOT do their job by reminding folks that it was ALL because of a plan that Trump had. Not one of them will even consider speculating what would’ve happened *IF* Trump’s original program (to get all the troops–and I don’t recall anything from Team Trump’s side that would’ve gotten CIVILIANS, American or otherwise, out–back in May) had actually gone through. Biden managed to get a postponement until August but, considering how badly that went, what would’ve happened if Biden had been forced to stick to the original Trump-developed timeline?

      Then again, the “liberal” media won’t concede that Biden, at least, is taking the heat for everything (and they seem all-too-willing to ignore recent polls showing that GOPers now overwhelmingly oppose accepting the Afghan refugees). Does ANYONE think that Trump would accept ANY heat for any foul-ups in the mission? Of course, he wouldn’t. Trump only wants praise, not blame. (I still wholeheartedly believe he only started this whole deal with the goal of getting that elusive Nobel Peace Prize; of course, he still wouldn’t have gotten it as Afghanistan would’ve collapsed to the Taliban just as soon as US and NATO troops were all out of the country.)

  2. Assumptions they’re making: that the former guy will even be able to run in 2024, and that Biden will want a second term. It’s still more than two years even to the primaries.

    • to be honest, I never thought of Biden as a two term president. If he runs again I will support him. trump won’t run again in 2024. court cases will make him an unviable candidate. Both parties will need better candidates. Dems have a deeper bench. the repubs keep eating their own. I’m not a robot

    • I’m with you on this, PJ, It will be very difficult to have an Idiot’s rally in the mess hall of a prison, interestingly now, the only reason he is communicating at all is through someone else’s web account …

      Trump may have a few million in his defense funds, built from grifted moneys given in good faith donations for his re-election, however, all signs are now beginning to show the complete collapse of everything Trump, his Trade marks may still be secure in the world order of things, but the VALUE is sliding to negative numbers that could destroy his hopes for any wins even against D S in Florida, who is now killing someone there every 4 minutes, Lord only knows how many kids he will kill as well … Even trying to primary in his state of blithering flap jaw, will be impossible … It’s not looking too good for immediate family either.

  3. Friend of mine has stopped watching CNN. They bash Biden constantly. Getting to be too much like Fox. Biden has done a good job with what he was left with. More to do, much more but it is usually Congress that passes laws, works on the budget, etc and with f*cker McConnell still running things for the minority – look at what we have – not much.

  4. The inevitable result of ‘bothsiderism’, treating the ‘two sides’ as somehow equal.

    When the reality is that one protagonist is in favor of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Fairness, caring for the weak, actual reality, and science.

    And the other isn’t.

  5. A useless matchup rooted in the need to chase ratings and spur panic in people still thinking the next threat will be identical to the previous one. Trump is done. It’s his would-be inheritors we need to watch from now on…and of course, we need to keep watching Liz Cheney.

  6. CNN would possibly not exist if not for Pappy Bush’s first Gulf War. Those bombs bursting in air were a boon for CNN as have been all of these damn wars.

    Trump? I don’t care what that crap does. Let him run for President or let him run from the law. Who cares. I will never vote for him or anyother fascist.


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