The Republican party is getting an idea of what Emperor Hirohito must have felt like when the atomic bombs started falling in ’45 and it became clear that events had taken an irreversible and indefensible turn for the worst and it was time to give it up, while there was something still left. The key difference, however, between the Empire of Japan and the Republican party, is that they nuked themselves when they put Donald Trump on the top of their ticket, thereby irradiating and contaminating both the party and the political landscape for some years to come. That was the beginning of their march to oblivion. The rest was inevitable.

So, now of course, 24 days out from the election and with Trump tanking between ten and fourteen points in the polls, there is much hew and cry in GOPerland, on how to save the party, now that the iceberg that they were pointing and laughing at for four years is finally right there looming over them. I never thought of Matt Lewis at the Daily Beast as a comedy writer before, but my Gawd has he come up with a howler. Here is his idea to save the GOP: start with the Second Coming Of Dubya — and a return to morality.  Daily Beast:

The GOP should be a big tent, so I’m not talking about imposing an ideological litmus test so much as I am talking about imposing a moral one. Support from the new party apparatus should be contingent on character and comportment.

Fancy that. A man or woman’s character and the way they conduct themselves should be a prime tenet of their qualifications for public life. Whudda thot?

 Without writing a manifesto on acceptable behavior (I’m spitballing here. Presumably, someone smarter than me would pick up this idea and run with it), I think racism should be a deal-breaker.

So should threats against democratic institutions (calling the media “fake news,” or saying you won’t accept the results of an election, etc.). Likewise, any affiliation with conspiracy theories like QAnon would be cause for a blackball.

And who could actually enforce it?

For this to work, former President George W. Bush would have to lead this effort. As the last two-term Republican president (and the last Republican to actually win the popular vote—in 2004), he has the credibility and moral authority to assume leadership. Moreover, he still has loyalists in powerful positions, scattered throughout the political infrastructure. This would not be a symbolic role, limited to signing an op-ed or giving a speech. This would be a full-time job, tantamount to running a campaign or heading an organization. Sadly, I have no idea and have seen no indication that he would take on such a role. I sincerely hope this is being discussed behind the scenes (or that someone will kindly forward this column to him).

I will. It will be my pleasure. And in the cover letter I’m going to say, BWAHAHAHHAHA!!!! And put emojis of little men slapping their sides. But Lewis isn’t finished. Here’s more of this brave new world of the post-Trump GOP.

Second, I think you probably need Mitch McConnell, who would likely be the Minority Leader. This is a controversial thing to say, because McConnell has enabled Trump. But McConnell is a powerful ally, and even though his principles might be limited to (a) helping his party, and (b) helping himself, in a post-Trump world, enforcing discipline, keeping the crazies at bay, and picking winners and losers in primaries, will be perfectly consistent with McConnell’s personal goals of holding or winning back power. Honestly, I think McConnell has to be on this team because he’s just ruthless enough to do what needs to be done.

Absolutely, you want McConnell “to keep the crazies at bay” and “pick winners and losers in primaries.” He has done such a stellar job of it. Definitely, you want to assign that duty to him.

Who else? Trying to find 10 completely uncompromised Republicans to lead this effort is sort of like Abraham trying to find 10 righteous men in the city of Sodom.


Once-promising Republicans like Marco Rubio and Mike Lee and Reince Priebus and Scott Walker and Nikki Haley might have been seen as obvious leaders to emerge from the post-Trump wreckage—if they had played their cards differently. I’m not sure who would be willing to put the country above their personal ambitions in this way, but I would probably nominate Mitt Romney and Tim Scott as potential leaders.

Now we’ve got The Second Coming Of Mittens! Dubya and Mittens are going to rebuild the GOP! If anything said so far screams, “We got nobody and nothin’ and we’re terrified,” I think these two suggestions make that amply clear. But I’ll tell you what let’s do, let’s have a seance and get Nixon back in the game! YES!

And do you know who is NOT being touted in this article as the obvious savior to lead the chosen people out of the Trump wilderness? Mike Pence. He is conspicuous by his absence here in the blueprint for the new GOP.

Obviously, the goal would be to grab control of enough levers of power to instill discipline, and (yes) a certain amount of fear. This would require some of the biggest names in the GOP being willing to do the right thing, even if it earns them scorn and criticism from conservatives on talk radio, Twitter, and (unless Fox News is willing to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem), cable news.

What kind of discipline could they impose? It depends how much leverage they can wrangle. But let’s say a Republican QAnon supporter is running for Congress. They get zero funds from any party committee. Zero. Any member who gives them money immediately loses his committee membership. That and maybe they make an example of you and drop a million bucks into your next primary race. Any radio host who has this candidate on loses access to every Republican who wants the support of The Team. Basically, you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists (a line George W. Bush might be able to deliver). Oh, and, by the way, the train is leaving the station. We might look past your previous behavior, but you can sign up to me on the new team, or not. Your call. This has to be hardball.

Make no mistake, anyone willing to try this will deserve our admiration. That’s because trying and failing at this wouldn’t just demonstrate impotence, it would invite mockery and hatred.

? Ya think?

We may be about to flush the system, but it won’t matter if there aren’t adults who step up and fill the vacuum. If the same perverse incentives remain in play, it won’t matter that Trump lost. You’ll have a rump Republican Party that is full of QAnon conspiracy theory candidates.

Now that we’re in the death throes of the Trump presidency, there’s a limited time to restore order and prevent that fate. But it’s gonna take leaders with guts. Will the adults rise to the occasion?

Help us George W. Bush, you’re our only hope.


Buddy, I don’t know how to break this to you, but if the only hope of the Republican party is Dubya, you are thoroughly phucked. After Jimmy Carter left office, he became a great humanitarian, working with Habitat for Humanity. He’s still building houses in his 90’s. After Bill Clinton left office, he started a foundation, which provided needed medicine to third-world countries. After Dubya left office, he went home and painted a picture of his dog. But God, I hope you’re right and Dubya is your only hope. Oh, man, do I hope that’s true. And I love the perverse logic in soliciting the services of the second worst president in history to clean up the messes of the absolute worst. And most of all, Matt — may I call you Matt? —  I hope you write more pieces like this, because this made my day. Sweet Jesus, the post-Trump GOP is going to be a screeeem!




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  1. Those effing morons! **Deep breath**

    One of these days, someone on that side is going to wake up to the fact that Trump is all W’s fault. Ditto the fall in GOP fortunes this century. But apparently not today.

    • If you want to really get down to when the Fall of the GOP started, Eisenhower putting Nixon on the ticket as VP is probably that time. Nixon always played dirty and he was a conspiracy theorist, calling his political opponents commies. It was foreseeable then that Nixon was too broken to ever be president and we certainly found that out later, didn’t we?

      • I always defer to Harry Truman on the subject of Nixon: “…a goddamn liar and everybody knows it.” But still, as Rolling Stone magazine put it when tearing apart Newt Gingrich, Nixon, for all his faults, had a strategic sense of government, politics and society. Every major GOP leader from Newt on falls under the rubric of that article’s descriptor of Newt’s worldview: “…a Classics Illustrated grasp of history, marinated by superhero fantasies.”

        • And for what it’s worth Nixon could give a heck of a good speech. The man was no dumba$$, a horrible person to be sure but not an idiot.
          Ugh, who thought I would ever say much good about Nixon…..

          • It’s amazing who you end up defending in the Age of Trump. I have said many times that Dubya is Thomas Jefferson compared to Trump.

  2. I think the only good way is to throw the lot of them out. GOP probably won’t think that way. “the second coming of mittens and dubya” made me giggle.

    • And therein lies the key flaw in American conservatism: the constant need to go back leads them to people who no longer matter. It’s painful admitting that you can never go home again. But if they want to get anywhere sooner than 2040, they might want to.

      • They don’t want anything after 1960, and preferably before 1920. Not that any of them actually remember what it was really like, if you were white and well-off.

  3. Issues with the case:

    1. Fight Trumpism with a Bush-McConnell alliance? At best we would say they tried to control the immoral elements of their base and failed miserably, and at worst we would say the divide and discord they fostered paced the way for Trump.

    2. The GOP is now majority Trumpers. Jeb Bush already lost in a landslide after spending endless money in the primary…and that was before Trump had the party in his grasp. Why would we assume that W would have any traction?

    3. That said…he’s probably not wrong that there will have to be sanctions and a concerted effort to push the more egregious elements out of the party. This could send the GOP the way of the whigs, but it’s not tenable for,them to stay the course…they’ve become probably the most incompetent iteration of a political party in our history.

    • Matt Lewis of The Daily Beast on ‘writing a manifesto on acceptable behavior’…

      ‘Presumably, someone smarter than me would pick up this idea and run with it’

      So, absolutely NO-ONE who is currently a Republican then.

  4. Love the column, you have me laughing.

    Correction – Carter didn’t start Habitat for Humanity. Millard Fuller and his wife were part of a group called Koinonia in the late 70’s on a farm near Plains GA. It grew from that and the headquarters are now in nearby Americas. I lived on a nearby farm for awhile then and heard about it taking shape. The farm I lived on was owed by a wonderful Quaker man. It’s a lovely area and the nearby pecan orchards are so beautiful too.

    • He’s associated with Habitat for Humanity, right? I can’t remember what I read now, but a nice article on Carter and H for H. Isn’t Lewis’ piece a laugh riot? Wow, they’re ready to stop being racists? They must really be desperate.

      • The Fullers started Habitat For Humanity in 1976. In 1986 the Carter family participated in a “building blitz,” with their presence helping raise awareness and drive volunteers.

        Carter intended this to be a one time thing, but it was so successful and they enjoyed it so much they repeated it the following year. Then it became a tradition and they formed the Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Works Project. The JCWP is sort of an event coordination organization that helps organize and manage the H.F.H. Summer build program.

  5. “Help us George W. Bush, you’re our only hope.” Sorta reminds me of “Help me, Obi Wan”, but, to paraphrase, “George, I knew Obi Wan, and you’re no Obi Wan!”

    • That is a great line. That is probably the greatest line ever spoken at a debate, presidential or vice presidential. Quayle’s face was great, when Bentson said that.

  6. I am on the floor with you. MITCH MCCONNELL is going to do a principled and reasonable thing — the same Mitch McConnell who said his entire goal was to make Obama a one-term president? Good luck with that, kiddo.

  7. Matt Lewis is just as clueless as the entire GOP. He starts off with a call for a “moral litmus test” and then–inexplicably–invokes Mitch McConnell as necessary for “rebuilding” the GOP.

    Mitch McConnell passing a MORAL litmus test? The same man who INVENTED a reason to PRESIDENT Barack Obama from appointing a Supreme Court Justice, to replace Antonin Scalia (who died in Feb 2012 after only 2 presidential primaries had been held*), leaving the seat vacant for nearly 9 full months, could pass a “moral litmus test?” Especially when another SCOTUS seat becomes vacant–just 6 weeks before the election–is then being rushed into confirmation hearings and a final vote?

    Matt Lewis needs to learn how to edit his material better before publishing (or make sure he’s got an editor to do that job) before publishing such middling tripe.

    *I’ve read some stories where McConnell has recently suggested the nomination timeline already had Donald Trump as the GOP’s nominee (even though many prominent GOP leaders and officials were still hoping for “anyone but Trump” as their nominee).

  8. George is as much a poster boy for the undeserved opportunities & protections that come with wealth as frump. He was awol in the service off helping his brother win an election, but never saw military court. The military takes it very seriously as I know for a fact. Down to the fucking minute. Not at ur post? Big trouble. Except if u last name was bush. Won’t bother with his other crimes. Moscow Mitch missed his calling. Born in another time, the Nazis could always use someone drawn to a cult built on sadism. Match made in hell.


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