Donald Trump Jr. Renders A Judicial Analysis Of Today’s Supreme Court Decision And It’s A Howler


Donald Trump, Jr. is a moron. If you think his handling of the Trump Tower meeting was pathetic, wait until you hear him render an interpretation of the ruling in the case of the Christian baker versus the gay couple. Junior misinterpreted the words “narrow decision” to mean the number of judges weighing in on the majority side. His words of wisdom to us were

Sweet Jesus, this asshole thinks this is a hockey game. Twitter chimed in.

Judd Legum is the editor and founder of ThinkProgress

Jay Willis is a lawyer and staff writer at GQ Magazine

That about sums it up. Now know that Junior has a lot bigger fish to fry than this. He’s purportedly shopping a book manuscript which is a full-throated defense of Daddy but book publishers are leery because they’re worried that Junior might be charged in the Mueller probe. This is despite Junior’s protestation that he “didn’t have time to collude.”

Not to be outdone, brother Eric chimes in about life in politics. “Every day, you get abused by somebody and the next thing you know, you’re being parodied on Saturday Night Live…My father’s life became exponentially worse the minute he decided to run for president.”

So did ours, Eric, so did ours.

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