Don Jr. is having a blast being a troll today. Oh well, if he’s busy doing anything other than slaughtering endangered species it’s a win, right?  Here are a few tidbits from his Twitter feed, which completely ignore the history of the situation, and most emphatically his dingaling namesake father’s role in all of this.

I’m not sure I see a lot of difference between this guy and Jared Kushner, to be quite honest.

Now the only problem is this agreement signed by Daddy. Which woke guru arrived at these terms? Jared?

So Junior, do you remember the prisoner swap? And Daddy had 5,000 prisoners released a year ago this month? Hmmm?

But it’s all on Uncle Joe and the forces of wokeness. Before that, everything was in apple pie order. And of course Trump himself issued one of his ridiculous edicts.

Yeah, the Taliban was shaking in its boots over Trump. And actually, I believe they were, in fact — shaking with laughter. Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban went as far and were as effective as Trump’s negotiations on nuclear proliferation went with Kim Jong Un. Maybe Trump should have fallen in love with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, ya spose?

But it doesn’t matter, it’s all being rewritten now and broadcast all over right-wingnuttia as a Trump win. In all events it’s the newest flashpoint in the culture war.

What a mess. But then we’ve been saying this for twenty years now.

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  1. We can only hope that our leaders will not take the U.S. into no-win wars in the future. But I’m not hopeful. There are too many know-nothing politicians who do only what’s expedient for their careers, and ignore the tragic human costs.

  2. Anyone surprised? After all these are the same maggots, eating the dead that daddy has infected, that deny the VIOLENT insurrection ever occurred. I will listen to farts from Satan’s ass b4 I listen to the talking beard.


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