Don Jr. Fakes Dad’s Approval Numbers, Shares On Instagram


Pathological lying must be in the Trump DNA because Donald Trump Jr. just told a whopper. He doctored figures which had previously appeared on CNN and then posted them on Instagram. The Hill:

The graphic, which Trump Jr. posted on Instagram on Thursday, appears to come from a Monday segment on CNN during which host John King fact checked the president’s previous tweet claiming that Trump has “better numbers than Obama at this point, by far.”

The original graphic shows Trump with a 40 percent approval rating, compared to former President Obama’s 45 percent approval rating from the same point of his presidency. However, the one shared by Trump, Jr., is doctored to show a 50 percent approval rating.

“Amazing. I guess there is a magic wand to make things happen and @realdonaldtrump seems to have it,” Trump Jr. wrote in the Instagram post.

I guess there is an airbrush to make things happen and Don Jr. seems to have it. This is even better than the time Junior shared a photograph, ostensibly of a packed Trump rally in Florida, and Mark Cuban pointed out that it was actually his stadium in Texas during a game. One would think Junior would have learned, but evidently he’s even stupider than his old man.

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