Who would ever, EVER have imagined such a thing? That Donald Trump Jr. was racist. That he engaged in racist email exchanges with college buddies, which we now know because one in particular is involved in a lawsuit? Seriously folks, who’d have ever thought that someone with Don Jr.’s upbringing from his like totally without a racist bone in his body father who was himself raised by a Klansman would be even a teeny bit racist?
I mean just LOOK at Don Jr. and his exemplary life. Every MAGA will tell you there’s no one except his dad more deserving of the Nobel Peace prize! And if he were alive Martin Luther King himself would anoint Jr. as the leading beacon of promoting equality! And, since it’s U.S. Open week lets not forget golf and Junior being overdue to be the next annual recipient of the Payne Stewart Award emblematic of sportsmanship and giving back to local communities. Well, like the Nobel thingy the year after daddy get his own long overdue award.
I could go on and on about what a “very fine” person Don Jr. truly is, how he’s been such an inspiration to us all… (sorry, I had to go puke) but you get the point.
And now? Oh my gawd! It turns out he’s racist? Can you believe it? “Stunningly” and “tragically” it’s true and the proof is in multiple email exchanges (a few of which you can read here) which his equally racist pal from college is trying to have Junior’s name redacted from. His college bro Beach (via his lawyers) seem to think that Don Jr.’s name being associated with all this is prejudicial to his case. Now why would he think that? Who better a “character reference” could a dude have when being called out by his former employer as a racist who they had every justification to rid themselves of lest the company’s reputation were to be damaged?
Oh well. We’ve had “heroes” fall from grace before. But it’s going to take some time to process the fact that as it turns out, unlike his like totally NOT racist father and grandfather somehow Junior turned into a racist. I’m sure like me you are weeping over this news of racist email exchanges.
(Ok, so the tears are from laughing so hard that this news has broken and just as he’s trying to gain at least a pat on the head from the daddy who will NEVER love him by spouting daddy’s talking points and causing a distraction. And Trump will be major pi$$ed at this news and the distraction. Of that we can be sure!)
Bless their pea-pickin’ little black hearts. Also, who names their child “Gentry?”
“The wretch, concentrated all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung.
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.”
Sir Walter Scott
Beautiful Scott!