What made Jim Jordan believe that he would have access to documents in an ongoing investigation by DOJ? Perhaps Jordan didn’t notice, but even during the January 6th probe – in which Jordan is a suspect, and possible target (Which might explain why he desperately wants to see the documents), the Congressional sub-Committee investigating January 6th did not get material from DOJ. No, eventually, DOJ got material from the Committee, but not the other way around.

This is an ongoing criminal investigation. Jim Jordan is welcome to start his own investigations, as he’s surely doing. But he won’t get the current DOJ records in an investigation into crimes committed by Jordan, Trump, or Biden (If there are any crimes committed).

DOJ let Jordan know that under no terms was he getting a peek at those files. From Rawstory: More below

““The Department’s long-standing policy is to maintain the confidentiality of such information regarding open matters,” DOJ officials said. “This policy protects the American people’s interest in the evenhanded, dispassionate and effective administration of justice. Disclosing non-public information about ongoing investigations could violate statutory requirements of court orders, reveal road maps of our investigations and interfere with the Department’s ability to gather facts, interview witnesses and bring criminal prosecutions where warranted.”

“Consistent with the Justice Manual and other applicable regulations, the Department’s first public disclosures regarding this matter occurred when the Attorney General announced the appointment of a Special Counsel,

Huh. Interesting. Because interfering in the investigation and the Department’s ability to gather facts, interview witnesses, and bring criminal prosecutions is exactly why Jordan wants the documents in the first place.

Jordan knows he’s not getting those files in a million years. It’s DOJ policy – along with the policy of every other prosecutor’s office in the country. But Jordan wants to make it look like the DOJ is hiding material from him that they gave the Jan. 6th Committee. He is counting on the MAGAs to be dumb enough – again – to fall for it and see Jim as the victim.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO

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  1. Gym is a moron the likes of which are not often seen…or at least not often seen until the tea baggers, freedumb caucus, and magats all crawled out of their various shit piles.

  2. Well “Gym”, if you’re so fucking interested in transparency then why not call for ALL the investigative findings of the crimes committed by that team doctor at Ohio State? You know, the one about the one college kids YOU were coaching and trusted you enough to come to for help yet you ignored them. THAT investigation. Somehow I doubt you’d want all that material being made public!

    • Denis, we need a good solid investigative reporter to unearth this shamefully-obscure scandal about the disgusting Gymbag. I despair of any accountability for his treasonous activities; maybe this old skeleton being dragged from his closet would do it instead.

  3. Maybe Jim “jacket-off” Jordan can subpoena the documents and if the DOJ fails to comply, refer them to themselves for prosecution.


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