Charity begins at home and I guess grifting does, too. If you have no problems screwing your own brother out of his money, I hate to think what that means about screwing a bunch of strangers, i.e., constituents, out of theirs. I tend to think that one doesn’t bode well for the other.

Don Winslow has put out another one of his mini epics on Joe Manchin. Watch and become enlightened about Mr. No Entitlement himself.

Did you catch that list of causes of action? Unjust enrichment, constructive fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, civil conspiracy and others? And this is a United States senator whose actions caused his own brother to sue him for same? Wow. The breach of fiduciary duty is the one that caught my eye, breach of a duty of trust. We trust our lawmakers with so much, particularly not to raid the public coffers and here’s Manchin’s brother telling the world that Manchin had no problem raiding his.

I guess the first rule of Entitlement Club is that you don’t talk about Entitlement Club and if you did, you certainly wouldn’t mention screwing your own flesh and blood.

And Manchin’s got the gall to talk about W. Virginians using BBB money to buy drugs or paid sick leave to goof off and go hunting? The mind reels.


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  1. He’s the West Virginia version of Trump. A grubby, sleazy and corrupt asshole who will screw over any and everyone. Like Trump, had he been born poor or working class instead of into means (not Fred Trump level but enough – we are after all talking about WV) he wouldn’t be jack shit.


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