There’s a photo going around the internet now of Donald Trump talking to one of his sycophants while on the balcony of Bedminster, and the man looks, to use his term, yuuuge. We mean gargantuan. We mean that Jabba the Hut would look at this photo and say, “Dude, if I was that big, I’d move into Al Capone’s vault and stay there.”  I don’t know if it’s photoshopped. Take a look at the whole thing.

And this is not somebody who is in such terrific shape that he’s going to live 200 years. Although, if you recall the quack doctor that said that, Ronny Jackson, Jackson almost ended up in a drunk tank the other week, so his credibility is steadily on the wane.

Of course the sheer irony here is that Trump has called Chris Christie a fat slob and made cracks, “Christie’s eating,” at one of his rallies, like all Trump ever does is nibble on a lettuce leaf and go dance Swan Lake. He doesn’t even walk on the golf course. If he did, he wouldn’t be in this kind of shape.

Here’s the full thing. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?

Imagine when he has to switch to orange. Oh, my.

Trump’s got no more impulse control with food than with anything else in life. Let’s see him keep stress eating like this. The GOP convention in summer of ’24 should be interesting — not to mention all the trials between now and then.

What was it Nancy Pelosi called him? Oh, yes. Morbidly obese.

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  1. Fools Cap Don is nearly as big as a ‘death star’ and that had a use by date too, when good triumphed over evil, again!

  2. Looks like his pants aren’t only covering his bulk but seem to be covering a massive diaper. What’s that old saying? People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. If I were christie…I’d challenge him to a public weigh in like they do in boxing. Or maybe a sumo wrestling match on ESPN.

  3. Gotta believe that for all those rally appearances, photo ops, and public appearances, especially while in the Oval Office, he was wearing some sort of corset/girdle/shapewear – but NOT while golfing……

    • Ok, everyone stop calling that deranged loon fat & morbidly obese. Stop speculating how many people it takes to wedge that incompetent boob into his campaign girdles -and stop guessing how many girdles it takes to make him look like he’s under 300 pounds, b/c a cult member didn’t bother to read the article (how many of us here would wager ANY cult member reads ANYTHING other than shit like that psycho grifter Loomer blowing BS out her blowhole so the cult members can keep pretending tantrumthinskin is ANYTHING other than the inept deranged self dealing huckster constantly bellyaching about how EVERYONE is MEAN to him b/c he can’t come to terms with the fact he LOST TO SLEEPY JOE.) and called us libtards. He really put us in our place, didn’t he? He certainly doesn’t notice that Tantrumthinskin whined about HIS OWN FBI undermining him to get sleepy joe elected. Great leaders who are well respected don’t tend to have problems with their own people undermining them. That usually gets reserved for those who are poor leaders, who are loathed & NOT respected. He certainly didn’t think it odd that tantrumthinskin is having trouble getting lawyers of ANY repute to defend him. One would think that an ex-President who is genuinely being wrongfully accused would have the best attorneys in the country standing out in hurricane conditions banging down the door begging him to let them defend him PRO BONO, but, cult members are brainwashed and have been conditioned to fly into a rage when even the faintest whiff of a sleight heading Dear Leaders way….

  4. .kinda think it was Photoshop peeling despite that,he was,already past extra large and into XXX size. And yes,,morbidly obese would be the actor medical.term. He never walks if he can avoid it. He used to barely make it across the White House lawn to get to Marine 1. I doubt he could manage 5 minutes on an exercycle or treadmill at the lowest setting. His diet sucks, and he looks like the Michelin Tire Man.
    Biden can ride an handily. He may be a bit of a klutz but he is a healthy weight and doesn’t have a diet consisting solely of fast food.

    • I’m not trained in how to spot these things. This photo might be exaggerated but let’s face it, the man is large. He’s not some svelte guy and people are being mean and making him look bad. He is morbidly obese.


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