The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling   Chicken Little

You know, you almost expect this kind of sh*t from Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, after all, they’re at right about two weeks from jury selection. Of course they’re going to file every bogus motion they can under the Spaghetti, meet wall doctrine. But Trump seems hell-bent-for-leather to show every judge he’s appearing under why the New York civil case judge whacked each of his lawyers over the head with his mallet to the tune of $7.500 each for frivolous motions and misstating the law.

I brought up Chicken Little at the top for a reason. Ever since the Robert Mueller investigation, Traitor Tot has used a friendly DOJ nd slow federal court system to delay and run the clock by filing bullsh*t motions every time he’s pressed for something. And as a result, several of his current motions have already been ruled on in the federal courts, assuring quick rejections in his current motions and appeals.

In the relatively short time span of 72 hours, Trump’s legal beagles went of a motion and appeal spree that touches every single judge that he is sooner or later going to be appearing before. And they all share one thing in common, they’re all full of sh*t;

  • In Manhattan, Trump’s legal toddlers appeared before the judge in his tax fraud/hush money case. They called it a meandering, wandering five year investigation with no clear focus, and patch quilt charges. But the real meat and potatoes was in the next paragraph. They accused the prosecutor of” marred by legal defects, procedural failures, discovery violations, and a stubborn refusal to provide meaningful particulars regarding [the] theory of the case.” There’s one thing there that sinks their boat right out of the dock. The prosecution isn’t required to give the idiots on the Trump defense team the particulars of their trial strategy.
  • On Thursday, his New York civil case ambulance chasers asked toe court for a temporary stay on the court proceedings, pending the outcome of an appeal they were filing today in appellate court on the judge’s summary judgement against Trump for fraud. When asked by the judge exactly what they wanted stayed, the answer was That’s for us to know, and you to find out. For good reason. It appears that they want the trial to stop for the appeal, since if the summary judgement goes through, and receivers are appointed and asset sales initiated, it could be difficult to reverse later. One small problem. The bench trial is scheduled to take three months, and the appeal would almost certainly be decided before the final court decision, nd any order to sell off assets for fines. 0-2
  • Trump’s Florida My Cousin Vinnies went before Trump’s judicial lap poodle, Kindergarten Judge Aileen Cannon to request that she delay the start of the trial until mid November, after the 2024 election. The reason is a total dog. They’re complaining that they don’t have enough time to prepare for trial because nine classified documents are so restricted that the defense team has to go to Washington DC to view them. One small problem. Right now it is October 6th. Jury selection in Florida isn’t scheduled to begin until May 24th. That’s seven freaking months! They’re charging Traitor Tot for their travel anyway. But since the seasons move faster than Judge Cannon, we shall what we shall see.
  • I guess His Lowness must really like Judge Chutkan, since he gave her the chance to take two whacks at his legal retards with her mallet. First, he had them request a 60 day extension on the deadline for filing pre-trial motions. The reason is the volume of the discovery information. Same problem as in Florida, he’s five months from jury selection. Judge Chutkan in no Aileen Cannon, she’s been scheduling regularly scheduled status hearings. She can afford to play King Solomon and split the baby, giving the defense 30 more days to show a future appellate court that she didn’t squeeze the defense, and still not delay the start of the trial
  • The second motion should earn  John Lauro two whacks on the head with her mallet. He’s pulling out two old saws. The first is Presidential immunity, a former President can’t be charged for things he did while President. Problem. Multiple courts, including the SCOTUS have affirmed that immunity belongs to the current President, and not the past one. But Idiot Boy Lauro doesn’t know when to shut up
  • In the second filing, Lauro claims that Trump has immunity since he was simply administering his duties as President in assuring a fair and free election. Problem. Both Mark Meadows and Jeffrey Clark tried that same lame sh*t in Georgia, trying to get their cases switched to federal court. And ran into the same problem Trump is running into, Constitutionally, the President has no role in the running or tabulation of a state electoral process. 
  • Trump finished up his motion-a-palooza by giving Fulton County, Georgia judge Scott McAfee his chuckle for the day. He tried a two prong attack. First, since his legal beagles are too busy to do legal research, they parroted co-miscreant Rudy Giuliani’s failed argument that state courts had no jurisdiction over federal elections. Problem. The Fulton County DA is arguing that FrankenTrump interfered in the sanctity of the Georgia state electoral process. Trump also argued Exercising presidential duties which has already failed both Mark Meadows as well as Jeffrey Clark.

I guess that El Pendejo Presidente thinks he may as well get his high price retainers worth out of a bunch of misfit lawyers that bail bondsmen won’t accept clients from, but he’s still nothing more than an imbecile. Trump must be feeling the desperation because he’s filing motions that a) have no realistic chance of succeeding, and b) he’s filing them so far out that they’ll already be decided and ruled on before they can delay his trials. Stupid is as stupid does.

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  1. ” He’s filing motions that a) have no realistic chance of succeeding, and b) he’s filing them so far out that they’ll already be decided and ruled on before they can delay his trials. Stupid is as stupid does.”

    That just says it all. His own efforts to undercut his legal troubles are enacted so poorly, they undercut themselves.



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