There is no low where they won’t go. Today, Francis Brennan, the director of strategic response for the Trump campaign, posted this.

Who’s “meandering?” Joe Biden was at the graves of son Beau, and his first wife and baby daughter. Beau died of brain cancer and Biden’s wife and daughter were tragically killed in a car accident in 1972.

The next 58 days are going to be very ugly. Trump is crashing and burning. He knows it, his campaign most assuredly knows it, and so they will be reaching for the flimsiest of straws to support their already weak and ludicrous talking points, namely that Biden is old and out of it. it’s able-ism at its absolute worst. But this is to be expected, considering the political dregs with which we deal right now. They’ve got nothing of substance to run on, they’ve got to go for the ugly.

Be of good cheer, the end is near. But don’t take it for granted. Get everybody you know registered and VOTE.


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    • Answer #1: you’re assuming these people are either smart or think. Answer #2: it gives them a sugar high that will put off having to face the final collapse of the fantasia Trump sold them on.

  1. That wasn’t anywhere close to “meandering”. Joe was damned polite to people who wanted him to answer questions right after church, while on the church grounds. He has the right to privacy, too.

  2. The problem here is being too sure Trump will lose. He just might not. He does have a lot of ‘hidden’ voters’. And too many Dems think, “ehh, I don’t need to actually vote, got this in the bag.” No, we don’t.

  3. It looks like the Trumpenstein monster and his enablers are running out of straws to draw from. Still we the decent citizens must all be on our guard…until the monster is finally gone.

    • So long as “on guard” isn’t a euphemism for “freak out like Chicken Little at every ineffectual scheme Trump launches”. I’ve had MORE than enough of that for one year. You’re that damn scared, then I say throw your energy into GOTV activities from now until November. It’s way better than panic.


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