This ought to send Donald Trump screaming to the nearest microphone to get his troops to march on the Capitol — the Florida Capitol, that is. Legislators there just did something that the GOP presumptive nominee will not be pleased with. They just amended the law so that Ron DeSantis, who is basically already running for president, unannounced, can now do so without resigning his position as governor of Florida.

We’re sure his constituents are relieved, considering they’ve been functioning without a governor anyhow. Now it’s official that DeSantis can do what he wants and on the taxpayer’s dime.

May 5 is the day the Florida legislature concludes. That is expected to be the actual date that DeSantis formally announces. But this was the only stumbling block and now it doesn’t exist anymore. So that is hardly coincidental.

Now the two Florida guys bash it out for the nomination. Except, as you have heard, Trump doesn’t want to bash it out. He wants to eliminate any and all primary debates and just sail onto the nomination. Let’s see how far he gets with that dream.

What’s ironic, is that the MAGAs want the cage match between DeSantis and Trump more than anybody. He can’t disappoint them.

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    • Agree, except it would have to be coming from a grassroots movement. The legislature is DeSantis’ group of henchmen. They are there to do his bidding and they have.

  1. Given his obsession (lately) with DeSantis THIS is a lawsuit Trump will surely file and maybe for once even have a chance at winning. At least once it gets to the FL Supreme Court. Most of what I learned about FL law and in particular FL election law is long forgotten as 2000 was a long, long time ago and what I delved into (along with countless others) didn’t cover this. However like any other state FL has a Constitution and such a specific bill popping up that is tailored to a specific person and situation might not pass muster. The question is whether Trump will file suit or just go on a rampage trashing DeSantis. Seems like a good time to invest in popcorn stocks cause this could get wild!

  2. Neither one of them is going to win in the end, so I’d welcome their wasting as much money on lawyers as possible, to duke this out.


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