Ron DeSantis has no patience with nonsensical questions. The problem is, he regards every question as nonsensical. DeSantis hates the press. He has nothing but utter contempt for them and that is not a good way to go forward in public life, alienating the Fourth Estate right out of the gate.

That said, this is worst than most of DeSantis’s gaffes.

What’s worse, DeSantis didn’t answer the question asked but started talking about something else. Not a way to build a platform. And what’s worst of all, is who wants somebody with an eye on the Oval Office who can’t say whether he’s basically for human rights? If there’s an automatic disqualifier, that should be it right there.

What we know is that the Florida legislature adjourns on the 5th. That is the date that DeSantis is expected to formally declare he’s running for president.

Stay tuned.


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  1. Why oh why, do the republicans continue support to, and in most cases, promote such idiotic drivel sources, with names we all know and abhor, like Jordon, Green and Rusty Gates …

    Over the years, there has been a push to infiltrate every State’s Admin and government in general, with severely demented and useless vermin Republicans … it is an alarming situation that IS delivering, the government is getting dummied up, mindless actions in Congress, NOTHING on their slate to improve life for the greatest number of citizens, just more money for those 1 percenter’s with more money than any god …

    DeSantis is an example of bought and paid for nonsense, huge list of minuses, nothing left on the plus side, there is NO rhyme or reason this man should not be reduced to a blithering sack of do-do by the Disney Company lawyers, those people know stuff and have made millions of dollars for the locals in Florida, over the years, DeSantis has attacked the wrong tiger …

  2. I’m quite certain DeSantis believes in human rights.
    The problem is how he defines human.
    For example, take a look at my photo in the avatar. I’m white (male is a bonus of course) and was born and raised in this country. No one I meet and engage in even a short interaction with would doubt either of those traits. And with my accent, if the conversation were limited many of MAGAs might even assume I’m a good ole boy, one of them, a “real” Mur-i-KKKun. Yet for DeSantis I possess many traits that disqualify me as being a human being and entitled to even the most basic human rights. I’m not a “god fearing”, RWNJ, or even conservative and Republican! (I am agnostic but still believe that Jesus’ message of love and helping others is how we should try to live) Worse, I believe that women should have the same rights as men and be paid equally. I believe the color of one’s skin or their ethnic origins don’t matter – that it’s their actions are what counts. I think those who aren’t heterosexual are deserving of the same rights and the same protection under the law as I have. The list goes on. You get the point, which is that DeSantis has a very narrow view of just who qualifies as a human being.

    • Absolutely beautifully well said, Denis. You really DO say things so well! I enjoy reading what you have to say, my friend. By the way, if you are really interested in Jesus as a man of his time (not from a religious sense, but from an ACTUAL moral and historical sense) I invite you to buy a book called Pirke Avot (Ethics of our Fathers). It is the definitive Jewish text from Jesus’ time, or what we call the “Rabbinic Period” where there was a rabbi on every street corner who had his own following. Yeshu (Jesus) was just one of MANY and the only one whose followers chose to start their own religion (if you REALLY want to understand the creation of Christianity, then you MUST read Hans Kung, but I digress). Any Christians I know who express an interest in understanding Jesus’ teachings within an historical context I always point them to Pirke Avot for a much deeper understanding. You might find it funny, as you will see that if you compare the teachings of several rabbis you will certainly notice inconsistencies that end up sounding a LOT like Kirk’s explanation of the game of Fizzbin to the Iotians. Enjoy Pirke Avot, my friend. It’s a great read and you might appreciate some of the wisdom.

    • I agree. I do not know if Jesus walked the earth or not. What I do know is that the teachings attributed to him are truly awesome and if everyone and every company tried to follow those teachings, this world would be infinitely better. I find it interesting that many of the bible thumpers term progressives as tree huggers and overly caring snowflakes while they promote guns and stand your ground in the sense that if you are white and conservative, you have the right to shoot and kill anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable.
      I never thought I would see this day in our country.

  3. When Red warned Andy to stay away and keep an eye out for the sisters, (gang of violent rapists), Andy asked him, I don’t suppose it would do any good if I told them I’m not homosexual. Red’s reply was: ” neither are they. They’d have to be human first.”

  4. As a lifelong left-winger who’s childhood political hero was Pierre Trudeau, it pains me to say Ursula, that even I TODAY could not easily answer the question in your headline, am I for or against “human rights” ? 20 years ago and for the previous 40 years of my life that answer would not have tongue-tied me, but today, alas, whenever (in the context of my personal political activities) hear that word, it invariably means “Hey you fucking Jews, just let the Palestinians kill you all, already. Stop trying to defend yourselves. They have an allah-given right to resist their own incompetence and stupidity by blaming you Jews for ALL their problems and therefore killing all the Jews they can, so stop defending yourselves!” Sadly, in my world, THAT sentence is the precise definition of “human rights”. if you don’t believe me, ask Roger Waters. We truly live in a very sad global state of affairs. Steven Pinker insists things have never been better for humanity in terms of human rights and co-existence. I’ll be with him for a few hours tomorrow. I think I’ll ask him if he still thinks this is true TODAY. I promise to share his thoughts with everyone if y’all care


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