This is a little bit like calling the divorce lawyer before you walk down the aisle, even, but take a look and judge for yourself. Ron DeSantis has misjudged his media presence and the good it will do before. Last November he put together a quasi-religious black and white ad, God Made A Fighter, which promptly got criticized, first and foremost by religious people, who called it “blasphemy.”

If you missed that jewel, see it further down in this piece.

Then he did his Top Guv spoof of Top Gun and was likewise laughed at for that. Whomever is advising Ron on these strategies doesn’t seem to be grounded in what he can and cannot actually get away with without turning the piece into self parody. That was aired in August of 2022 before DeSantis won his “landslide” victory in a deep red state against a Democrat who didn’t have a prayer.

Now, fast forward to late April, 2023, a mere handful of days before DeSantis formally announces his bid for the GOP nomination for president in 2024. This comes after his failed trade mission tour to four countries. A lot of Republicans are having second thoughts.

Here’s DeSantis in his full blown fascist mode. Watch how passive the voters are. Baaa baaa.

It’s April 29. The Florida legislature adjourns May 5. DeSantis is expected to announce his bid that day or shortly thereafter. Let’s see what happens.

Meanwhile, here is DeSantis’s religious rip off, as promised.

The man can’t think on his feet, he can’t connect with people, he doesn’t like people, but he believes that adopting the right memes and insulting the right people will get him to Pennsylvania Avenue.

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  1. There is a long line of russian blowing poofter republiCLOWNS ready to take the punk concentration camp guards place.
    Maybe that mentally ill 30″ tall crippled “governor ” of texass will “jump” into the ring.

  2. WTF is wrong with Floriduh that they put a party led by this doofus in power?

    More importantly, how the hell did the opposition to this moronic hack fail?

    WTF is wrong with the Democratic Party in Florida?

    Have the GOP gerrymandered and corrupted the system that much?

    • I believe that yes, the gqp has gerrymandered and corrupted, especially corrupted, the system in floriduh so much that deathsantis, and any other republikkklan, can win hands down. The bigger problem is how to stop it, how to right it, so that Democrats have a chance again. There are also a lot of uneducated people in floriduh. Deathsantis wants to keep it that way by banning books and ruining schools by limiting what they can teach.


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