This next story belongs in a lot of categories: Beyond Parody, Pot Calls Kettle Black and Believe It Or Not.

First of all, it’s generally not a great idea to start out a New Year’s resolution with something negative. Resolutions and plans for the New Year are supposed to be upbeat and positive, going towards a better way of life.

So tell that to the strangest priest ever, Frank Pavone, who wants you to know what a POS you are. Um…I don’t walk around with aborted fetuses and slap them down on podiums, just saying.

If “most” of his fellow Americans despise the Democratic party, then there’s no problem. The Democrats will be voted out. If, however, he’s talking about the MAGA QAnon fringe “saving” America and remaking it in its own likeness, then he might be in for a bit of a wait.

Now this is where it gets totally strange.

I find this utterly fantastic. What this means is that there are enough church people molesting children to where it’s become something an insurance actuary can assess — and man, would I love to see the underwriting standards on this one. Just the memos going back and forth must read like an SNL sketch.

This really is a part of our culture now, like medical malpractice, automobile accidents, you name it. But I did Google it, and the website exists.

What a world we live in. And of course, it gets worse.

It reminds me of that quote of Sherlock Holmes,

“While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but the percentages remain constant.”

In clergy world, apparently, “x” number of the population are going to be perverts. Sobering. Very sobering. That means it’s baked in, a feature, not a bug.

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  1. If I weren’t agnostic I’d make damned sure any church I went to didn’t have such insurance. If they feel a need for it they need a new pastor and elders. For that matter they also need a congregation that has NO tolerance for preachers or others in positions of authority who might be the type of people that would cause them to need such insurance. Or a denomination (Catholics, Southern Baptists say) for that matter. But this whole insurance thing is sick.

    Child molestation is a FELONY. It’s a criminal matter, not an actuarial one.

    • It makes you wonder the direction things could go. If this felony can be insured, then why not all? How about we issue policies for domestic violence? The sky’s the limit.

    • It’s possible it’s going on without their knowledge. But that assumes that things happen without them around, like bible classes. Which is a big red flag.

  2. You will know a tree by its fruit. Jesus
    You’ll know a person’s character by the same measure no matter what ‘title’ they carry or what ‘faith’ they attempt to hide behind.

  3. “In clergy world, apparently, “x” number of the population are going to be perverts.”

    That’s incomplete. Factually, in THE REAL WORLD “x” number of the population are going to be perverts. My guess would be some by heredity (or at least congenitally) and some by environment, and some by a combination of the two – but that’s just a guess. What i am absolutely certain of is that not one of them ever asked to be saddled with those desires. No one without preexisting issues ever woke up and said, “It’s a nice day, I think I’ll be a pedophile.”

    I’m not advocating sympathy for pediphiles and/or other sex offenders – that would be horrrendous. But further study would be helpful – there are innumerable questions for which we have no answer, no knowledge at all. How can we cope with a phenomenon we don’t know the frst thing about?


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