Ask any actor or filmmaker and certainly any writer and they will tell you in a heartbeat that nobody knows how any creative work will be received. The Oscar-winning writer William Goldman famously condensed the concept down to “nobody knows anything.” I don’t know if I want to go along with a statement that sweeping, but definitely nobody knows what will strike a chord or not. Hence, small budget films return huge profits, big budget films flop and everybody returns for yet one more round in the ring.

There are many fine pieces of work out there, whether in books, newspapers, on the internet, TV, and a few pieces hit a resounding chord and become hits. That’s just how it is. And nobody can predict the hits. One such major hit was scored a few days ago, in the political niche, when Lincoln Project ran a Trump piece called “Feeble.” It incensed Trump. And the war has been on. If you missed it, take a look, and then we’ll look at the most recent fallout from tonight.

Trump wailed to Hannity about it, in “beautiful Davenport, Iowa” where a Fox News Town Hall was taking place. Pure performative theater. It only underscores the fact that Trump’s so totally pissed.

Now this is ominous.

He’s going to have a blast on Day One and then suddenly stop, right? We are to believe that? I have a terrific bridge to sell you and you know where it’s located, if you believe this for a minute.

While you’re here, check out This Week In The Republican Party, an ongoing feature.

Back to Trump and the Town Hall tonight. Hannity asks him if he’s going to be a dictator. Yep.

Here’s a little more elaboration on Day One.

Here’s Trump avoiding yet another softball question. I cannot wait for him to debate Joe Biden and actually have to answer a question.

The rest of the Town Hall basically went in this direction. These are the lowlights. And it will be intriguing to see how the feud with Lincoln Project goes. Maybe this is going to be the 21st century version of the Hatfields and the McCoys. I’m intrigued that Feeble did it. Obviously, Trump can’t stand to look feeble or weak. Good to know.

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  1. Malodorous phantasmal pugilist, whose only skill in a debate is this deceitful act of fraudulent shadowboxing. Sheer arrogance, that exposes his Dunning Kruger fault line.

    • Yeah. I’m tired. Sick and tired. Have been since 2015. Not just tired of a man baby who is likely the worst possible person to head up a country, but of the media outlets broadcasting the thoughts/statements/etc. of people with less sense than the stalks of corn grown in their state (s) (i.e IA comes immediately to mind).

    • I remember that couches used to be called Davenports, because they were manufactured in Davenport. But I think it was Davenport, Indiana, no? At least the woman who called a couch a Davenport was from Indiana, so maybe that’s where I got the idea. She also ate a slice of cheese with apple pie, which I think is also some Midwest custom.

  2. I.long for the day when Trump.goes away for good. @At this point I don’t care how he goes,away,whether he dies of natural. causes, loses the election and slinks away (and maybe not even to Man-go-Lardo because it seems the locals want to hold him to.the three week accommodation status, finally), or to.prison. I just want him gone, silent, disgraced never to raise his bleached blond headdress,his version of the MAGA shamans hat,ever again.

  3. It used to be called battle fatigue…now it’s called post traumatic stress syndrome. Of course, that doesn’t exactly fit when the trauma continues day after day after day after day after phucking day.


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