Art imitates life and life frequently imitates art. What you’re about to see is art imitating life imitating art. Which is a convoluted way to say that Donald Trump, who can’t be a success but can pretend to be one on TV, became a game show host. And then from game show host he went on to become president of the United States.

And now he’s back, trying to get his old gig again — the Oval Office, not The Apprentice — and so of course it looks like a game show.

Trump took us out of the realm of political satire and straight into farce. I’m not sure where you go when even farce doesn’t cut it anymore.

And make no mistake, if Trump could get elected again, he would love nothing more than to have Mark Levin come and do softball interviews with him and have it all translated in this format.

Trump loves this. This is as deep as he gets, is illuminated pixels of somebody pretending to be important and have answers. That’s what led him to politics in the first place.

What is memorable about this interview, however, is that you see that Trump is rambling a lot more than usual. He really can’t stay focused. Can’t say as how I blame him. If I was facing federal and state indictments and was currently a defendant in a trial, I don’t know as how my focus would be any better.

And the tragic part is that there are people who would vote for this buffoon, even in this condition.

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