I swear it seems like House GOPers actually want to lose in November. In a way, it makes a perverse sort of logic. It’s true (I think) that the bulk of House Republicans would rather be in the majority than the minority. Many are hard core fiscal, or social (or both) conservatives after all. However, an increasing number of them are into a weird, sick form of performance Jackassery. They are there to throw stink or actual sh*t bombs. No matter. For both groups they know that actually being in the majority and actually getting anything they want done actually done is hard work. So, like workers in any large enough organization or business they talk the talk about wanting to be in charge but they’re much more comfortable, happier even NOT being in charge. It’s way easier and more satisfying to take potshots, instead of actual responsibility.

Even the jackasses know two things. Seniors are the most reliable voting bloc. Also, Seniors do NOT want to see cuts in Medicare or Social Security. Sure, it’s laughable that some (too many) seniors don’t realize Medicare is a government program. It seems every election some senior citizen at a Town Hall gets filmed angrily telling some politician “Keep your government hands off my Medicare!” They are equally passionate when it comes to any changes to Social Security. Also, all but the dumbest and most clueless of the jackasses know the history of what happens to the GOP overall when they make a big push to cut “Entitlements” or flat out openly say Medicare and Social Security. It costs the GOP at the ballot box.

Still, as this article from Trendy Digests points out it looks like the House GOP is ramping up a major push to cut 2.7 trillion in Medicare and Social Security spending! From the article:

In a document deserving extraordinary credit for chutzpah, if not tact, House Republicans have proposed a budget slashing $2.7 trillion from Social Security and Medicare spending over the next decade — over 8% of the total. This isn’t just touching the third rail of American politics. It’s embracing it while soaking wet.

At first glance the broad strokes might not seem all that objectionable. It speaks of things like “modest adjustments to the retirement age to address things like increases in life expectancy. In practice is would mean pushing back when someone can claim full retirement benefits. It also involves “means testing” which means decreasing benefits for higher-earning beneficiaries. Still, there are “assurances” this all doesn’t cut or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement.  Of course, there’s more to the story. The ole devil is in those pesky details:

But the proposals go further, envisioning a fundamental restructuring of Medicare. Echoing a proposal once championed by Republican former Speaker Paul Ryan, the RSC suggests converting Medicare into a “premium support model.” This model would pit traditional Medicare against private plans, offering beneficiaries subsidies to purchase insurance in a competitive market. The proposal resonates with a similar policy play from the 2012 elections, which was met with fierce opposition from Democrats who argued it would “end Medicare as we know it.”

NOW we are getting somewhere. I can’t but think GOPers know, they KNOW this part will become the story. One can easily visualize an entire line of campaign attack ads and messaging on the theme: Republicans are trying to PRIVATIZE Medicare and Social Security! That’s something that resonates and has hurt the GOP in the past. It will this year too if they keep this up. House GOPers know it. Senate GOPers too. Even Trump knows it’s a loser which is why he’s trying to figure out how to deal with this.

So I’ll end where I started which is asking whether the House GOP has decided they’d rather lose in November than remain in power. For years they railed against abortion before they became the proverbial dog that caught the car. They used the issue to great advantage to fundraise and win elections in solid GOP states and districts and even in some crossover places.  Then SCOTUS up and gave them what they’d wished for and they’ve been paying at the ballot box ever since.

Now, maybe “Entitlement Reform” is going to be their new “go to” issue. The have to know they can’t be in the majority pushing it. However, once in Congress a person really has to screw up to lose their seat. Railing against “exploding” Medicare and Social Security costs is a good way to motivate conservative voters and raise money. At least for those already in the House or Senate.

As I said, it makes a perverse sort of sense.

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  1. Anyone who promotes raising the retirement age has never work in the trades. Just imagine being a 70-year-old bricklayer or steel worker.

  2. Attention ‘pubes: I will be retiring in a couple/few years. I will be receiving my duly earned S.S. and Medicare benefits. If you f*ck with my retirement I will f*ck you people up. I’m going to have three hots and a squat some way and if it means I have to make the planet a better place by eliminating republicans, that’s fine.

  3. The current SS payment, once Medicare is taken out, isn’t even enough to pay rent where I live. I have to work until I die to keep a roof over my head. These R’s are sitting in DC taking home paychecks paid for by US, they have 1/2 the work days I do, they have free healthcare and a zillion perks are just pure evil.

    • Not to mention 147 of those traitors making 174k a year voted with the insurrectionists. Until the American voting public starts paying attention to something other than their phone and getting laid, we will reap what we allow the gop to sow for themselves.

  4. They also want to cut disability SSI and survivor benefits for spouses of veterans. In case you don’t know, vets,who retire can take the full amount of their pension or take less to make sure their spouses continue to get the payment if they predeceased them. Since most retirees are straight men, and men tend to.die before their wives, this keeps the wife from falling into poverty because it is almost impossible to get anything but a m job because of the frequent moves. By the time retires, you have been out of the workforce so.long, that no one will.hire you, especially if you are well-educated. I know this from personal experience.


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