We don’t have to wonder how far some supporters of Donald Trump will go to make sure their king regains his throne. After all, January 6, 2021, gave us a clear view of what sort of insanity some of these people will resort to. If you think these people have quieted down, now is a good time to rethink that.

Because Brenden Dilley is ready to do whatever it takes to ensure Donald Trump is president again. He’s a leader of the “troll army” that, according to the New York Times, has taken to social media to attack Trump’s enemies, which is, of course, part of a campaign to ensure that he is elected to the White House in 2024. Dilley is so besotted with Trump that he’s gained access to the Trump campaign and the former president himself, according to Right Wing Watch.

Dilley ran for Congress in Arizona in 2018, where he declared himself a “staunch believer in the Make America Great Again movement,” but voters were fortunately unimpressed and he lost. We can all be glad for that. At this point, Dilley hadn’t met Trump, but that soon changed, and he now lives near Atlanta and says he’s visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago three times in the past year. And he and his team have posted a slew of photos of themselves posing with Trump.

This includes finagling a photo shoot of himself, his wife ReAnna, and Trump at a University of South Carolina football game in the governor’s box at Wiliams-Brice Stadium in Columbia, S.C.

Imagine being this fanatical. So fanatical that you pull whatever strings you can to meet a man as cringe-worthy as Trump. The Times reports Dilley picks up on talking points from the Trump campaign and claims he has a great deal of access, describing phone calls from Trump’s advisers to discuss memes his team plans to use and whether these memes strike the desired tones.

This is why Dilley has been on Right Wing Watch’s radar since 2018, and the site notes “Given that he has now established such close ties with Trump’s campaign, it is even more important to expose how overtly racist, unapologetically misogynistic, and gleefully amoral he is,” and then adding, “The most important thing to know about Dilley is that he doesn’t ‘give a f*ck about being factual’ and will ‘make shit up’ if doing so furthers Trump’s political agenda.”

Dilley has a hatred for liberals that runs deep and he’s one scary dude. He’s going to do whatever it takes to ensure Trump wins again, no matter what the cost is and Right Wing Watch took note of this in 2020.

“I don’t give a f*ck,” he continued. “My objective is to destroy Democrats, OK? To destroy liberals, liberalism as an idea, Democrats, and anything that opposes President Trump. That’s my goal. I’ve never made any bones about that.”

“You don’t have to fact-check me because I don’t give a f*ck,” Dilley added. “I f*cking make up shit sometimes, from time to time. I don’t care. I don’t care. Democrats know it. Republicans know it. I don’t mind admitting it. I don’t give a sh*t … When I get a chance to sh*t on the left, I don’t mind making sh*t up. No, not at all.”

This man is a monster. And he only gets scarier from there.

We all know Trump keeps “making sh*t up,” so naturally he loves Dilley. He’s met a friend in kind. Ugh. But what’s really awful about Dilley is that he’s repeatedly advocated for Trump’s enemies to be executed. As early as 2019, he began telling Trump supporters had better “start developing a stomach death.”

“Develop a stomach for it,” he said at the time. “Develop a will for it. You want to save your f*cking country? This is what it’s going to take. It’s going to take you having the stomach and the spine and the f*cking testicular fortitude to support the president of the United States and the Department of Justice firmly imposing the law of the land.”

That video seems to have magically gone missing, but according to Right Wing Watch, he said “There is no room for mercy.”

“i want to win and i won’t consider it total victory without destroying our enemies,” dilley said. “i don’t want to hold your hand. i want to stomp you into the f*cking ground. i want donald trump to bury you treasonous pricks under the prison. i don’t want to just win. winning is a formality at this point. destroying you motherf*ckers is way more important.”

Oh, Dilley said much more than that but I’m not going to repeat his blather, except to note that he also pointed to a photo of a noose. Then he declared “There is one solution and one solution only to save America and I think you know what it is. It’s a zero-sum game and if you don’t have the stomach for it, I don’t know what to tell you.”

It’s easy to imagine that many of the violent rioters who tried to take over the Capitol on January 6 were listening to people like Dilley, who has even suggested protesters should be “gunned down” if Trump “gives us the green light.” And of course, Dilley has been eagerly welcomed into the Trump 2024 campaign, which is scary since Trump has made it clear he wants retribution and an authoritarian dictatorship.

Do I really need to say more?

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  1. Bring it on asshole sitting safely typing at home. Last I checked the Commander In Chief has a better trained and better equipped military, and you PISSANTS are no match for it. This time it won’t be you cowards shooting up a school or a church or a grocery store full of UNARMED civilians. Coward. Traitor. Cult member to a traitor!

  2. look, Megan I get it you have to report the news, 😕
    but I’m so waiting for this..
    Megan: I’m certain Trump said this
    Fee Fi Fo Fum I’m a Psycho Republican

    what does that mean?
    back to front fake office
    as I furiously Google tick Tok boy toys

      • It’s usually hard to post cogent comments when you’re high on psychedelic mushrooms while snorting cocaine and shooting up heroin and trying to take the edge off with a joint or two.

        • Aw, she was just getting upset that she didn’t think this gem up herself:
          “Fee Fi Fo Fum I’m a Psycho Republican”

          I wish I had! 🙂

          I think we might want to give the Oath Keepers, Proud Boy Toys and 4 percenters the recipe you just listed. They’d sooo much more useful if they ingested that concoction before they tried their next insurrection.

          • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I actually do wish I’d dreamt that up but I haven’t hit the weed yet. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      • I never know what the hell he’s saying. He fancies himself as some kind of poet or something, but his points, whatever they are, get lost in his word salad.

  3. this clown is performative and would suck the
    orange paint off of trump’s face through his asshole like a silly straw.

    i hope I get to meet up with him someday whereby I have no mercy on
    my own fists to put him down.

  4. I agree diapers. Have your magat idiots develop a taste for death so that they won’t be too surprised when they are looking at their own. It is way past time to get rid of these ass hats and prison doesn’t seem to be a deterrent.

  5. Here’s the thing: Most of these back @$$holes have guns and hunt every year. A good percentage even kill the deer and ducks. Yes, they are fat. No, they wouldn’t make it halfway through a 5mile march with full gearbut you don’t have to do that to be a sniper. And, yes, some of them.are that crazy.

    MT real.concern is how many of the military would actually obey an order to fire if a,real.insurrection began.The vast majority of the Os would give the orders without hesitation if civil war Part Deux broke out. Giving the order is useless if it isn’t obeyed by a,substantial minority. And a good chunk of the active duty Es voted for Trump. Maybe Tommy Tubbyvilleholding up their promotions and the accompanying pay raises got through to them.

    Remember that most of the senior officers in the Civil War were West Pointers. And the military has faced major problems wedding out white supremacists among the Es. Biden can issue orders, but if a,sufficient number refuse to obey them,we are blued, screwed and tattooed.

    And the Posse Comitatus law makes it unlawful to call up the military within our borders. Governors can call up the guard in an emergency, but the president cannot order active duty troops against fellow Americans short of violence against which state and local forces refused to obey federal.law. IKEA used forces to go to Little Rock after the state refused to desegregation public schools. That wonderful Rockwell pairing depicts Ruby Bridges,accompanied by U.S.troops protecting her .


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