CPAC has been described as the “Star Wars bar scene of conservatism” and I agree with the first part. It’s pretty much an assembly of freaky characters, but there’s nothing conservative about it. This is pure MAGA.

Let’s start with a clip of Matt Schlapp.

Schlapp was accused of unwanted sexual advances towards an aide, plus he and his wife, Mercedes, who used to be Trump’s White House director of strategic communications, were also accused of defamation and conspiracy for coordinating a campaign to discredit the Herschel Walker aide who brought the allegations. That issue is far from being blown over.

Here is Schlapp again, fawning over Jim Jordan.

And you knew it wouldn’t be long before Biden’s impeachment would be called for, right? There are people who have made book on how long it would take.

Expect it to get loonier. Ron DeSantis is not here, he’s hosting a Club For Growth summit in Florida. And Principles First is convening in Washington, D.C. this weekend. It’s touted as a convention hoping to attract, “2024 presidential hopefuls, current elected officials, conservative, liberal and independent speakers, thought leaders, and grassroots activists from around the country for three days of panels, speeches, networking, and substantive discussion about the meaning of conservatism today, the state of America’s core institutions, and how we can preserve and strengthen them in the years ahead.”

Republican politics is in shards, but you knew that.

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  1. Like a lot of his co-conspirators, he doesn’t look capable of ‘running’ anywhere. Waddle is the correct word. Watch him waddle away. Like a goose who is cooked.


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