Once again there was a vote in the House of Representatives and this time there was a photo finish. 214-213 was the final tally and Alejandro Mayorkas becomes the first cabinet secretary to be impeached since War Secretary William Belknap in 1876. So what is the significance of this, exactly? Oh, a couple of things: 1. Political theater may dictate that this was a good thing, but there is no way a Senate supermajority is going to vote on this. So all it is, is a self-inflicted black eye on the GOP. 2. It proves that the GOP-led House can’t govern, all it is is a political stunt machine. It wastes time and resources that could be spent passing legislation.

There are eighteen Republicans holding seats in districts which Joe Biden won in 2020. It’s now going to become a parlor game, mark my words, guessing which ones of them will be back or won’t be back.

Even Ken Buck, who is not returning next congress, has said that this is something that the GOP will have to live with and it sets a terrible precedent.

The other side: Democrats, DHS officials and some Republicans have blasted impeachment as a political effort not backed up by evidence.

  • McClintock, in a memo, said the articles “stretch and distort the Constitution” and warned they are headed for “repudiation” in the Senate.
  • “House Republicans will be remembered by history for trampling on the Constitution for political gain,” DHS spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg said in a statement.

What’s next: The articles now head to the Senate, where Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has declined to commit to holding a trial.

All this is, is a neon sign saying, “We Are MAGA” blinking and blinking on and off, on and off.

And listen to this. Marge Greene is drunk out of her mind on power. Power has been said to be an aphrodisiac and in Marge’s case, it has rendered her delusional. She seriously thinks that she is a major leader in this country and has immense influence. She is a big mouth from a dark red gerrymandered district. Put her in a statewide or God forbid national race and watch her dissolve like the Wicked Witch of the West.

This is over the top, the way she lashes out at this host, calling her a “dumb, clueless girl.”

This is what MAGA hath wrought. This is what Donald Trump hath wrought. And what have we seen, the last three elections? Republicans losing. And will this political stunt today turn that fact around? No, but it will hammer a few more nails in the coffin.

This was a short-sighted, moronic thing to do. Then Steve Scalise went out and took a victory lap and that was a farce as well. You can listen to this clip to see how that was received.

Here is the bottom line: the MAGA-fied House has bought the idea that politics can stop being about governing and start being about PR and showbiz. We don’t blame them for having that idea. We know exactly who they got it from.

And the source of that idea, Donald Trump, got defeated at the polls in 2020. And political theater is not going to bring him back in 2024. But that’s the plan.

What is happening in a larger context is that the GOP is self-immolating. They’re burning themselves to the ground. Today was yet another useless bonfire.

I still maintain and will continue to maintain, that the MAGA faction may endure for quite some time. The genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going back in. But the GOP, as a whole, is dying on its feet, before our very eyes. The conservatives of this nation, assuming some are left, are going to have to rebuild. How, I know not. Start another party? Maybe. I just know that the Whigs died out mid-1800’s, and the GOP rose in its place. Now we’re seeing the same thing again.


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  1. You know, it’s less about johnson’s inability to count, the failure to impeach Mayorkas, than it is their abject hypocrisy about the border. There is a border bill that give these fools pretty much everything they ever wanted. Rather than give the border patrol the tools and funding it needs they’d rather obey the stupidest mother-f*cker on the planet. Both the impeachment and the refusal to vote for THEIR immigration bill isn’t leaving egg on their faces, it’s leaving a f*ck-ton of sh*t on their faces…and we all know whose a-hole that came out of now don’t we?

    These fools need to suffer at the polls in a very big way. Unfortunately their constituents are not much smarter than dingleberry.

  2. What do these people think government is for? Isn’t it to GOVERN ?

    These morons seem to think they’re in some sort of showbiz where you are judged on sheer performance, not ability or accomplishment.

    That proverb is right.

    Put a clown in the palace and he doesn’t become king, the palace becomes a circus.

    • Mostly these folks are just poor excuses for human beings. They do not know how to govern nor do they want to. They are simply dangerous idiots on parade.

  3. At this point,,the GOP.is desperate to impeach somebody, anybody as long as they have ties to the Biden administration. If Santa Clause of Jack Skellington or, hell.Mickey Mouse were a Dem, the Republicans would impeach them.

    Oh, wait. Ron DeSaster HAS gone after Mickey Mouse…


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