Your cheating heart, will make you weep. You’ll cry and cry, and try to sleep   Hank Williams

My God, this 1/6 committee is the gift that just keeps on giving! And the reason that it just keeps on giving is because Chair Benny Thompson and Vice Chair Liz Cheney keep making moves that Machiavelli could only envy.

Perfect example. In dealing with the tranche of documents and texts that Mark Meadows turned over to the committee as not privileged, And in releasing some of those documents, they released texts from sitting GOP House members, without identifying them by name!

This is truly twisted, and I love it! These House members know who they are, and they know what they texted to Meadows. And Thompson and Cheney have already assured that they will release the names at the proper time. Which leaves these Trump loyal House members twisting in the wind.

Ohio GOP congressman Jim He groped me coach! was the first to blink. He came out and admitted that he was the one who sent the text to Meadows to have Pence simply throw out what he considered contested votes, and throw the whole thing to the House for resolution.

Yippee! We liberals finally have a new drinking game o play! Who’s the House Rat? The committee already knows who all of these assholes are, and they are more than ready to drag the process out, and out the particular members at the time of their own choosing.

The only question left is, do they choose to out themselves, and try to put some lame bullshit spin on their desire to hold out, and hope that the committee is bluffing. But either way, my Christmas came early this year. It’s going to be entertaining to watch these assholes twist in the wind, and finally decide where their own best self interest lies. Which likely won’t side with Trump’s. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. Have any democrat contenders for Gym’s seat ever made sure in their campaign ads Gym’s total lack of concern for his athletes who were getting buggered frequently? If not, why not?

  2. The imploding GOP is next to worthless in all they are and have been doing the last few years, it, however, DOES promise a spectacular finger pointing circus, [we should have some big mirrors available to the houses of Congress], therefore, showing who REALLY is responsible for the horrible actions against our Democracy AND the Capitol building …

    The elusive truth seems to be in a list of names on some pages contained in a simple manila folder, stored in a fireproof safe in A. Schiff’s office …

    The pressure is certainly approaching cardio concerns for some, “older”, Congress people, you know the ones, grey headed and locked into the old story, “money is everything”, no matter who gets stomped on … nor if it goes against the Constitution or simple rules of law …


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