I guess we should give Donald Trump, Jr. credit for knowing who butters his bread and keeps all the necessaries of life, including recreational substances, flowing in his direction. And that would be Daddy and Vladimir Putin, not necessarily in that order. It was well known that if Trump won a second term that he planned to pull the United States out of NATO and now his doofus son is basically co-signing on that idea.

Nothing like destabilizing the geo-political structure. If Ukraine falls to Russia, does anybody think that Putin is going to stop there? Junior is spouting tired old platitudes about other wars that had totally different significance. This is not the era of the Iran Contra or Dubya coming up with imaginary weapons of mass destruction. This is 2023 and Ukraine is a different kettle of fish. But Junior doesn’t care, he’s just mouthing a talking point which sounds good to MAGA because neither they nor their Mango Messiah understand NATO or Ukraine, or what’s at stake.

This is what he’s reacting to. Elon Musk’s profane meltdown is at the bottom if you missed that.

Nothing like people with money talking about matters in which they have very little expertise.

American isolationism stopped making sense pre-WWI. It is utterly absurd now. And naturally, Junior would be touting a concept that was not feasible as of 100 years ago. That makes perfect sense.


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  1. The talking beard erupts. This is one time I’ll take your advice. No partner. No problem. I will phuck myself. Like woody Allen once quipped about masturbation, at least I’m having sex with someone who loves me. You on the other hand…take a flying phuck at a rolling doughnut. Stick with what you know…how to properly roll a bill into a straw. The going price for an eight ball. How many Xanax it takes to get to sleep after a night of ridin that train…high on cocaine.


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